Just Friends

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Clarke's POV

I walk out of the bathroom and see Bellamy and Echo. I hurry past them towards the main doors. I hear running towards me. 

"Hi." I say expecting Bellamy. 

"You're always bothering us." Echo says walking behind me throwing her arm around me. 

"Oh, I didn't mean to." I say. 

"What are you even doing down here your locker is upstairs?" 

"I um was trying to avoid you guys because I saw Bellamy upstairs so I thought since school is over you wouldn't be down here." 

"Oh how sweet. Your innocent little eyes couldn't bear to see your little crush fucking another girl." 

"I don't think anyone wants to watch two people make out and I don't have a crush on Bellamy." I say walking upstairs toward my locker. 

"Oh really? Well you know he has a girlfriend, and you drive home with him everyday and give him puppy eyes when we kiss in front of you." She says stopping at my locker. "You're a pathetic little slut who goes after other girl's boyfriends. You're disgusting." 

"Just stop, Echo." 

"No you're ruining my life. Bellamy has been acting weird ever since you showed up. You get everything, but you aren't getting Bellamy. Slut. I'm warning you stay the hell away from him." She pushes me and walks out of the school. I try to open my locker and throw my bag on the ground. Someone catches it. I look to see who it is. "Slow down, Griffin." Bellamy says grabbing my lock. I grab it back. "I can do this myself." I say and open it. I shove books into my bag and grab the bag from Bellamy. "Woah, woah, woah." He grabs my wrist. "What's wrong?" 

"Nothing Bellamy!" I yell storming away. 

"Clarke. What's wrong? Clarke stop. Talk to me." He says and I continue walking. "Clarke what happened?" I leave the school out of the main doors and begin walking home. "Clarke can I at least drive you home?" I ignore him and keep walking. "I can't really talk to you. I'm not supposed to." I say. Thunder claps and it begins drizzling. "Wait Clarke why not?" 

"I just can't Bellamy." I say and keep walking as it pours harder. 

"Then you're just going to walk all the way home in the rain?" He asks. 

"Looks like it." I say and continue walking. He follows me. 

"Clarke! What the hell is this about? Why are we walking in the rain?" He asks. 

"I didn't ask you to follow me." I respond and then curse myself for continuously talking to him. 

"Clarke please just stop." He begs and I keep walking. I hear him walk away and feel relieved that he does so. I hear a car coming behind me and see him. He rolls down the window. "Get in the car, Clarke." I ignore him and keep walking now completely soaked. "Get in car Clarke!" He yells. I look over to him. I fall into a puddle. "Fuck!" I yell out and stand up. He gets out of the car and come to help me. "Like I said I can do this on my own." I say limping away from him. "Clarke. Come on." He says. I see a car pull next to his: Echo. He looks over to it. "Just get away from me Bell, she clearly doesn't like us talking." I say as she glares at me. 

"Clarke is that what this is about?" 

"What?" I ask shocked. 

"Are you jealous?" He asks and crosses his arms. I spin around to face him. 

"Are you kidding me right now?" I ask. He shakes his head. 

"No Clarke, I don't understand. You're acting crazy." 

"I'm acting crazy?" I ask. 

"Yeah like crazily jealous, like you're always..." 


"Always around us." Echo says.

"Oh yeah I'm jealous of your quickies in the fucking bathrooms at school. What a meaningful relationship. Maybe if you weren't fucking in public spaces I wouldn't be around so much." I say and scoff the rain still pouring, dripping down my spin sending a chill down my spine. "You guys really think a lot of yourselves assholes. I never wanted to be anything other than a friend to you. Both of you." I stop and minute and begin to cry which is quickly covered by the rain. "And you're not the guy I knew at camp Bell. Not anymore." I turn away and walk towards my house. "Clarke!" He calls, his voice breaking. I turn to him seeing Echo cling to his side. "No Bellamy. Just stop." I say and turn away. I walk to my house as they drive past me. I run inside and up to my room. 

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