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Clarke's POV

A breeze runs down my back. I flutter my eyes open and see Bellamy is gone. I quickly find my bra and sweater. I stand up and smile, thinking of yesterday. I open the tent and walk towards the bathroom. I open the door and see Octavia. "Hey." She says beaming at me. 

"How did it go with Lincoln?" I ask. 

"Amazing." She says happily, "Was it bad with Bellamy?" 

"Actually-" I start but stop when I hear Bellamy calling my name. 

"Clarke!" He shouts and Octavia and I leave the bathroom. 

"Yeah?" I ask. 

"I need to talk to you, alone." He says looking at Octavia. 

"Okay." I say and Octavia walks towards camp. I walk to opposite way with Bellamy.  

"Okay so last night." He starts and I smile. "I think it's better if we don't tell anyone." 

"Oh." I say my smile fading. 

"Only because I don't want Miller or like Murphy thinking less of me." He says. I step away from him. 

"What?" I ask angrily. 

"I just mean that I think everyone will make a big deal out of it and I don't want to be that way with you. I want to keep things low key." He says. I step further away from him. My stomach twists. 

"You want me to be like what? Like you're little slut?" I ask. 

"No, we can be like Echo and I were." He says. I start walking away. "Wait Clarke." He says. 

"You're just going to use me like you used Echo. Whenever you need a warm body to sleep with right?" I ask and he looks down. "That's what I thought." I say walking back to my tent. I grab my bag and run to my car. Octavia, Raven, Emori, and Harper follow me. I get in my car. "Clarke what's wrong?" Octavia asks. I roll down my window. 

"Ask your brother." I say and back away from them. I roll up the window. I drive back towards Arkadia. 

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