Part of you

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Bellamy's POV

I stand with the kid Clarke kissed in the driveway as she rolls away. I turn away from the car. "You're disgusting." The kid says. I turn to him.
"Stay the fuck out of this. You don't know what you're talking about." I say. A crowd begins surrounding us.
"I know that you are or were lucky enough to have a girl like Clarke, and you chose to be with Echo."
"Shut up." I say and as he glares at me.
"I want to know why you think you're better than me."
"Damn right I am." I say walking away from me as Octavia walks towards us.
"I get it. A part of you will always love Echo, or want her. You need to understand how she feels about you." He says following me.
"And what would you know about it?" I say stopping.
"I might not, but I have only talked to her a little while and I can tell how she feels about you. She kissed me to spite you. Are you too stupid to see that?" He asks. With that I walk inside and slam the door shut. I charge up to my room. Echo is waiting up there. "Get out." I say standing in the doorway.
"What why?" She asks standing up from the bed.
"This was a mistake." I say and she walks towards me.
"Bellamy." She says before going down the stairs in the hall. "I think you're a dick for using me whenever the hell you want." I look up to her. "I know I deserve better than you." She says as tears well in her eyes. I drop my mouth open to say something. "But you should be with Clarke. I was a Bitch to her before, but you belong with her. Maybe you will learn from me and be better to her." She says and walks down the stairs. I hear the door close. I lay down on my bed. How could I act so rude to her and Clarke? "Ugh." I say.
"Hey big brother." Octavia says laying with me.
"Hey, O." I say.
"Listen, I love you." She pauses, "But you are a real Dick to girls. You use Echo, and you may love Clarke but you don't act like it."
"I never said I love Clarke." I say scoffing.
"Fine." She says standing up.
"O, I'm sorry." I say sitting up.
"Bell I know things are hard because of your accident and all. But this between you and Clarke is real. Throw it away, and you might not find love like her again." Octavia says and walks out of my room. I stare at the ceiling. Fuck.

Clarke's POV

I slam my car door and run up to my room. I stare out the window sobbing. I hear a knock on my door after a while. "What?" I ask assuming it's my mom.
"Hey Clarke." An unfamiliar voice says. I turn to see Echo. I glare at her. I turn back towards the window. "What do you want?" I ask. She sits with me.
"To talk about Bellamy." She says and I look at her.
"I don't need another lecture about how he's yours. I get it. I understand. You can have him." I say angrily.
"No I think he's a dick too. But you need him."
"No I don't you need him."
"He used me. He loves you. He needs you." Echo says. I think for a few seconds.
"You're right. He did use you, but that doesn't mean he won't use me. He's just...I hate him."
"If you hated him you wouldn't be so upset that he was kissing me." She says with a laugh.
"I don't love him Echo."
"Okay well you may not love him...yet. But I know that you two will end up together." She says and rubs my shoulder.
"But you said it yourself he's a dick."
"Even dicks need someone like you in their lives. You are his home." She says and I look up at her remembering what I said to Octavia.
"Thank you, Echo. Maybe I'll talk to him." I say.
"By the way, I'm sorry I was a bitch to you. I thought I loved Bellamy." She says.
"I get it. I might've acted the same way." I say hugging her. "You're not bad."
"Surprising isn't it?" Echo says with a laugh.
"I'll see you tomorrow." I say.
"Bye." She says and walks away. I quickly fall asleep in my bed.

I wake up late. I quickly through clothes on and brush my teeth. I brush my hair out and run downstairs with my backpack. I fly out the door towards school. I look at my fathers old watch. Ten minutes until school starts and it's an 8 minutes walk. That leaves me roughly 2 minutes to get my books and into class. I can walk. I relax and begin walking to school. I look down at myself. Fuck. I'm wearing Bellamy's hoodie. Damn. I didn't bring an undershirt because it's cold out. I walk back towards my house. I'm just going to be late. I walk towards the house and see a car approaching me. Correcting Bellamy's car. I try to cover my body with my bag. I walk quicker to the door. "Griffin!" I hear as I walk towards the car. I ignore him trying to get the hoodie off without him noticing. "Hey, Clarke. Can we talk?" He asks as I run up the stairs. I slam my door shut and run upstairs to my room to change.

Bellamy's POV

She runs up the stairs of her house. I slam on my wheel. "Damn!" I exclaim. I drive away from the house realizing she didn't want to talk to me after last night. I drive into the parking lot and park my car. I see Echo and walk up to her. "You're wrong." I say. She spins around.
"What?" She asks.
"Clarke ran away from me this morning. She didn't want to talk to me." I say walking with her into the school.
"Are you sure? That doesn't seem like her." Echo says furrowing her eyebrows.
"It is." I say and walk towards my locker away from her. I grab my books and walk to class. After 5 morning classes I head to lunch. I look around our table and notice Clarke is missing. "Hey." I say gruffly sitting down.
"Hey Bell." Octavia says.
"Raven and Shaw are dating!" Harper blurts. Raven and Shaw both blush.
"Harper." Raven says looking down.
"Yeah, I know." I say.
"I know everyone knows, it's just fun to watch their faces get like that." Harper says laughing.
"Okay so I'm the only one not dating someone at this table?" I ask scoffing.
"Hard to believe isn't it? I mean I have Emori. Harper and Monty. Jasper and Maya. Miller and Bryan. Raven and Shaw. Octavia and Lincoln." Murphy says. I roll my eyes.
"Well maybe if he tried a bit harder to be with C." Emori says with a smile.
"Shut up. She practically ran away from me this morning when I tried to talk to her." I say playing with my apple. All the girls gasp. "Where is she anyways?" Murphy asks.
"She's stick with her bio teacher because she e. missed the first class of the day. Running late." Emori says.
"Running away from me." I say.
"Maybe she wasn't running from you maybe she just forgot something in her house." Harper says.
"I called her name. Why didn't she stop?" I ask.
"Maybe she felt sick." Octavia says.
"Like her?" I raise my eyebrows.
"Yeah." All the girls say at the same time. I relax in my chair. Damn.
"Okay okay now back to what we were talking about before Bellamy everything is about me Blake showed up." Miller starts, "The camping trip tomorrow."
"Miller maybe we shouldn't go. It's going to be freezing out. It's November for fucks sake." Raven says.
"Oh we are going. I didn't waste the last two weeks of my life planning this trip for y'all to blow it off." Miller says.
"Miller we go to camp every year in summer why do we have to go in fall?" Octavia whines.
"Because its a damn tradition and this is the first year we can go without parents." Miller says.
"Fine!" We all shout. Miller laughs.
"Okay then tomorrow we are going right after school." Miller says as the bell rings. I walk to class.

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