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Clarke's POV

I wake up and try to adapt for my surroundings. Definitely not my room. First day back to Arkadia and this happens. Shit. I stand up and look down. Sweatpants and baggy sweatshirt? If I was at some guy's house he was definitely a keeper. Oh no. That guy last night from the party. Did he sleep with me after I passed out? I opened the door of the room. Wait, the Blakes house? I walk down the stairs. Bellamy is asleep, shirtless, on the couch. I see my clothes from yesterday laying on the table. I sneak over and quickly run to the bathroom to change. I fold the sweatpants and sweater neatly and open the bathroom door. I run into Bellamy. "I'm sorry." I say quickly moving past him. "Clarke are you okay?" He asks. I start putting my shoes on. "Yeah, I just can't remember anything." 

"That's probably a good thing." He says. 

"All I remember is passing out while that guy..." I say. 

"Yeah." He says sadly. 

"So what exactly happened? Did I do it with him? Or now I'm here, at your house, did we?" I ask. 

"No we didn't, and you didn't either." He says. 

"Well how did I get away?" I ask feeling my wrists, bruised from my assault. 

"It doesn't matter." He says. Octavia walks in the room groggily. "What are we talking about?" She asks. 

"How I got away from that guy yesterday?" I ask her. She points at Bellamy. 

"And I just checked my text Raven said he's in the hospital, so good hit Bell." She says walking to the kitchen. 

"You did it?" I ask. He nods looking down. He walks into the kitchen. I grab his arm. He shudders and looks at my hand. "Thank you." He smiles. "Do you need a ride home?" He asks. 

"Yeah, please." I say with a smile. 

"O, Clarke needs a ride home." He says moving further into the kitchen. 

"Let's go." Octavia says perkily. I look back to Bellamy. "Yeah let's...go." I say sadly. I get in the car. We drive quietly for five minutes. "Something the matter?" Octavia asks. 

"No..." I trail off. "Well kinda. When Bellamy offered me a ride home, I was a little excited cause it was Bellamy offering me a ride home, like old times. Not that I don't love riding with you. I seemed like he didn't want to drive me home. What am I saying, I should be grateful he offered, after my stunt yesterday." I say. 

"What happened yesterday wasn't your fault. And Bellamy is bad at reading signals with you." She says. I laugh. 

"Yeah right." I say as she pulls in front of my house. 

"See you tomorrow at school!" She yells. 

"Bye." I say trotting to my house. 

Bellamy's POV

Octavia bursts through the door. "You really are an idiot." 

"What do you mean?" I ask. 

"You are never going to get back together with Clarke, if you keep being oblivious." 

"I don't understand." 

"She wanted you to take her home, not me, you." She says. I throw my head back. 

"I didn't know that." 

"You never do." She says. 

"Damn." I say. "Hey, maybe I could ask her to the prom?" 

"It's not prom!"Octavia shouts. "I didn't  work my ass off all senior year for this gala to be perfect for you or anyone to call it prom. It's a gala." 

"Whatever, O." 

"But yeah. I think you should." 

 "Okay." I say with a smile.   

Clarke's POV

I walk into the gas station. I grab a cup and fill it up with red icee. "Red?" A voice asks at the register. I shoot my head up. "I always thought of you as a blue kinda girl." He says. 

"You're Nathan right?" I ask with a laugh.  

"And you're Clarke

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"And you're Clarke." He says. "Hey I get off in exactly..." He looks at his watch. "Two minutes. You want to hang out?" 

"I don't know." I say. 

"C'mon you get to hang out with me, that's a score for you." He says. 

"Oh yeah? Why?" I ask. 

"Well as you can see I work in a gas station, which means unlimited red icees." I smile, which encourages him. "And you can't deny I have dashing good looks." 

"Okay, just stop talking." I say. His alarm chimes. 

"Aye that's me." He says sliding over the register. He shuts off the lights and opens the door for me. He locks the door. "Shall we?" He asks. 

"Yeah." I say. He plops down next to me on a parking block. We talk for two hours straight. I notice things about him that I didn't before. Like how blue his eyes were, or how his floppy hair fell on his eyes, and how he pushed it back.  "I like you, Griffin." He said. I shifted. It felt weird hearing someone else calling me Bellamy's nickname, but I didn't hate it. I smile. "I can't believe I stayed away from you last year because of Bellamy." He says.I laugh. 

"And I was thinking...maybe you'd go to prom with me?" He asks. I look up at him. 

"My friend, Octavia, told me it's not prom, it's a gala." I say. 

"Regardless, I want to go with you." He says. "So?" 

"I don't want to say no, but you know I have a history with..." I say standing up. 

"Bellamy." He says sadly. "Then how about you just come with me to make him jealous?" My revenge seeking and jealous side kick in. 

"I don't see why you would make him that jealous, but uh sure." I say. 

"I'll see you tomorrow." He says hugging me. I hug back. 

"Yeah." I say walking to my car. I drive away. Wow. 

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