I have to leave

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Clarke's POV(6 months later) 

"Clarke do you have to go?" Octavia asks helping me put my boxes in my car. 

"I have to. There's too much history here. I never should have come back." I say. 

"But staying with your aunt in Polis? You still have us you don't have to leave because of Bellamy, you haven't talked to him at all in six months. I still don't know how that's possible, not one conversation, six months. You don't have to go." 

"I do, you didn't tell him right?" I ask. 

"No, although I do think he deserved to know." Octavia says. 

"Well he can date or sleep with whoever he wants now. I'm gone." I say. 

"For how long Clarke? There's only three months left til school starts. Please come back for senior year." Octavia begs tearing up. I smile hugging her. 

"Maybe I will." I say. 

"I'll miss you C." 

"I'll miss you too, O." I say getting in my car. I wave as I drive towards Polis. I just need an escape. 

Bellamy's POV

"Hey, have you guys seen Clarke? I really need to talk to her." I say walking into my house. "I'm sick of her running away every time I see her. I have to talk to her." They all look at one another. "What?" I ask. 

"It's just uh..." Murphy says. 

"She um..." Jasper says. 

"She's gone." Octavia says. 

"What do you mean she's gone? She's at her house?" I ask. 

"No, she left a week ago. Moved back to Polis." Raven says. 

"What?" I ask. 

"I'm sorry." Octavia says. 

"When is she coming back?" I ask.

 "Maybe in the fall, maybe never." Monty says. I sit down. 

"Why the hell didn't you guys tell me?" I yell angrily. 

"I'm sorry Bell. She wanted it this way." Octavia says. 

"You all knew and you didn't tell me." I scream. I shove Murphy. 

"I'm sick of this shit Bellamy." Murphy yells. "You did this to yourself. As much as you want to play the victim you can't. Look Clarke is our friend too, but she hasn't hung out with us in months. She stopped coming around for you." He pauses. "And she's not the one who cheated." I stare at him. "She cares more about you and us than you cared about her or us." 

"I tried to talk to her." I say. 

"No trying isn't saying Clarke every time she comes in a room and letting her run away." 

"I wanted to give her space." 

"Space isn't the same as not trying Bellamy, and even you aren't stupid enough to believe that." Murphy says. I glare at him. I run up to my room. I kick my door making a hole. I slam it shut. "Fuck!" I shout. I lay down on my bed. How could she leave me? 

After an hour I hear a knock on my door. "Hey." Octavia whispers. 

"Go away, O." I say. 

"Bell, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but she's my bestfriend." 

"I'm your brother." I say. 

"I know, but you messed up. You broke her heart." She says. "You have to let her go." 

"I know. " I say sitting up. "I love her O." I say hugging her. 

"I know. I know." She says hugging me. I feel tears pouring out of my eyes. How am I going to do this without her? 

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