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Clarke's POV

"I can't believe there's only one week of summer left." Octavia says sitting on a swing next to me. I look to her house only across the street from the park. 

"You're not even a little excited?" I ask. 

"No. I have class council, cheer, and soccer. It's stressful." She says. 

"Okay but there's also football and basketball games, homecoming, the fall fundraiser, and halloween and that's just fall." I say nudging her. 

"I am really excited for homecoming." She says smiling. I see a car pull up and immediately recognize it: Wells. I stand up as he gets out of the car walking toward me. "Wells why the hell are you here?" I ask. 

"You wouldn't answer my calls." He says and Octavia stands behind me. 

"Wells I don't want to talk." I say. 

"Please Clarke. I can explain." 

"You can't say anything that will excuse you cheating on me." I say tears welling in my eyes. 

"I know, but Clarke. I'm sorry." He says. 

"No Wells you can't keep hurting me. I moved away from you. I'm moving on, so please let me." 

"I can't Clarke. I still love you." He says grabbing my arm. Octavia runs to her house leaving me wit h Wells. 

"I don't love you Wells, not anymore." I say backing away.

"Don't say that. I made a mistake." 

"What kind of mistake is that? You ruined my life in Polis. You hurt me." I say.

"Clarke, you have to come back with me." 

"Wells, I can't do that. I'm here now. I'm not going back, I can't." I say walking away. He grabs my arm and pulls me back to him kissing me. I shove him off. "No you can't just kiss me and expect everything to be okay." I say and he continues holding onto me. "Let go of me Wells." I say and he continues dragging me to his car. "Wells stop!" I shout wishing Octavia was there. I try to rip my arm away, but he is too strong. I see Bellamy and Octavia running towards us and punches  Wells in the face. Wells falls to the ground letting me go. I stumble behind Octavia. "Stay the hell away from her." Bellamy yells as Wells stands up. 

"Who the hell is he Clarke?" Wells asks. 

"Who the hell are you?" Bellamy responds. 

"Wells, her boyfriend." Wells says. Bellamy turns around to look at me. 

"Ex boyfriend." I say rubbing my arm. 

"Clarke I didn't mean to hurt you." Wells says moving closer to me. Bellamy stands between us. Wells laughs, "Oh is this your new little boyfriend?" 

"No." Bellamy and I say in unison. 

"How cute. But Clarke he'll never compare to how good we are together." Wells says moving closer to us. 

"Just back off man." Bellamy says. 

"Don't tell me what to do with my girlfriend. She's mine." Wells says grabbing me again. "Wells stop!"  Bellamy punches him and Wells falls. Bellamy jumps on him punching him continuously.Wells only gets one good swing in cutting Bellamy. "Bellamy stop!" Octavia shouts. I let him get another punch in. "Bellamy please." I say grabbing his shoulder. He looks up to me and then stands up spitting on Wells. Octavia puts her arm around me and we walk to their house. Wells lays on the grass as I look back from the house. Octavia goes upstairs as Lincoln calls. I sit down next to Bellamy.  "You're bleeding." I say and run to the kitchen grabbing peroxide and a paper towel. "This might sting a little." I say dabbing the paper towel on the cut. "Not deep, doesn't need stitches." I say lowering the towel from his face as he stares at me. I put a bandage on it quickly. "Thank you." He says still staring at me. 

"No thank you. I don't know what I would've done without you." I say and quickly stand up walking into the kitchen. I throw away the paper towel. "I should probably get going." I say walking away from him. He grabs my arm and says "Wait, he's still out there." I wince as he lets go. 

"Look what he did to you." He says rubbing his thumb across the bloody imprints of fingernails. 

"I'm fine. It doesn't hurt." I say and he stares at it. 

"Octavia should've come for me sooner." He says. 

"Thank you for coming at all." I say looking into his dark brown eyes. He looks up and me and glances at my lip. Octavia come crashing down the stairs. "Lincoln is coming over soon." She says and then looks up. "Jesus Bellamy every girl?" She asks. 

"Shut up." He says sitting on the couch. I sit next to Octavia away from him. I hope he's okay. 

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