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Bellamy's POV

"It's been three weeks O." I say pacing around my room before school. 

"I know Bellamy, but you can't blame her for getting back together with Wells. You brought this on yourself." She says and walks out of my room. "Let's go we are going to be late." 

"Fine." I say as we walk out the front door. We drive to her house. "Hi." Clarke says getting in the car. 

"Hi." I say happily. 

"Hi." Octavia says. We drive to school quietly. I get out of the car and run to my class. 

Clarke's POV

Octavia pulled me to the side of his car as Bellamy ran off. "What's up?" I ask. 

"Remember when I said go do something productive?" She asks. 

"Uh huh." I respond. 

"I didn't mean Wells. Bellamy is wrecked all he ever does is complain about you to me." She says. 

"Okay well that's kinda not my problem. I'm not the one who blew him off, he is." I say walking into the school. She follows behind me quietly. "Are you bringing him to the homecoming game?" 


"Damn C. This is the most important game of the year for Bellamy." Octavia says.  I ignore her and keep walking to my class. 

I drive with Wells to the homecoming game. "I really don't want to cheer today." I say. 

"You're going to be great." He says with a smile. "My cheerleader." He leans in and I quickly peck him. 

"Eyes back on the road." I say and he laughs. We pull into the school parking lot. We get out and walk towards the gym. He puts his arm around me as we walk in. I see the basketball team. I quickly remove his arm from my shoulder. Bellamy looks at me and faintly smiles. "Everytime you see Bellamy you do shit like this Clarke." Wells says. 

"I know he's upset. I'm not going to flaunt my relationship in front of him." I say running into the gym. I get in formation for cheerleading. Near the end of the game I am in the front cheering on the basketball team. I see Wells walking towards me. "Hey." He says. 

"Hi." I say and shoo him away. The clock starts to run out. "Wells move your getting in the way." I say. He looks to the game and then grabs me. He kisses me passionately. "Wells what the hell?" I say pushing him off of me as the buzzer runs out. 

"Damn!" Octavia shouts and points to Bellamy who is staring at Wells and I. Bellamy runs out of the gym towards the parking lot. "Get out of here Wells. You did that on purpose." I say shoving him. 

"You need to choose. Me or Bellamy? Your boyfriend or him?" Wells says. 

"You can't make me choose." I say. "I love you both." 

"You don't love me like you love Bellamy. You love Bellamy the way you should love me if I'm your boyfriend." Wells says leaving the gym. 

"Damn!" I shout and look to Octavia and Raven. 

"Guys, what do I do? I can't forgive Bellamy and I love Wells. I can't lose Wells. I say. 

"You have to forgive Bellamy." Raven says. "Remember when you went to Polis to talk to Wells?" 

"Raven, no. Bellamy made us promise." Octavia says. 

"I don't care. I'm sick of this." Raven says snarky. 

"What are you talking about?" I ask. 

"Bellamy came to your house the night you went to Polis." Raven says and looks to Octavia.

"He told us everything he wanted to tell you." Octavia says. 

"Oh yeah like what?" I ask. 

"Like how he wanted to be with you, only you. Like how he was stupid for letting you go when all he wanted was to be with you." Raven says. I feel tears welling in my eyes. I run out the gym doors. I spin around the parking lot looking for Bellamy. I don't see him so I get in my car and drive to his house. I knock on the door. "Ms. Blake is Bellamy home?" I ask. 

"No, He's probably still at the game." She says. 

"Okay. Thanks." I say and get in my car. He wasn't at the game. Where could he be? Tree House. I drive until I hit the woods. I run around the woods stumbling over tree trunks and leaves. I stop when I see the rubble. Bellamy is standing looking at it with his back facing me. I crunch a leaf and he whips around. "Clarke what are you doing here?" He asks. 

"I um." I say and then rush towards him. I kiss him more passionately than I thought I could've. He pulls away. "What about Wells?" 

"We broke up. He broke up with me." 

"I don't want to be your rebound. I want more than that C." He says backing away. "I can't keep being your second choice when you were mostly my first." 

"You're not. I love you." I say. He smiles. 

"I love you too Griffin." He says and I kiss him again.  We pull away. "Damn." He says. 

"I know." I say as snow begins falling down. We look back to the rubble. "Why hasn't anyone cleaned this up yet?" I ask as he wraps his arm around me. 

"If they did where would we go to have dramatic moments like this." He says and I feel goosebumps on my skin. "Hey let's go back home." I say. 

"Yeah." He says as we walk to my car. I pull up at his house. He sits in the car playing with his shorts. 

"We should go to the winter ball together." He blurts. 

"Yeah." I say with a smile. 

"Yeah?" He asks sheepishly. 

"Yeah." I say grabbing his chin and pulling his lips to mine. I stop as I see a ball of snow whipped at my car. I look up and see Octavia smiling. "I guess you should go." I say. 

"Do I have to?" He asks and pouts his lips. 

"Yeah." I say unhappily. 

"Fine. I'll see you tomorrow." He says pecking me and getting out of the car. He walks backwards to his house. I smile and my cheeks blush. He reaches the door and goes inside disappearing as the door closes. Damn, I need a dress. 

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