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Ryan's pov

It's been a week since me and Grayson have it a go again and it's a lot to take in

I wasn't expecting to to give in so easily but he makes me truly happy, that kid is the love of my life and I will forever love him. Me and him have been through many experiences together and he has always been there for me

I told my mom about it and she loves Grayson, and she knows that I love him too and she wants me to be happy and live my life in nothing but happiness.

Grayson's mother and I talk on a daily basis, she's like my best friend other than Jessica but she wants her son to be happy and wants me to be happy too, she supports all the decisions I make, when I told her that me and Grayson were going to try again, she immediately got excited

What wasn't cool though was that, Kim aka skies called me out for some bullshit saying how I was hooking up with Grayson while I was hooking up with him. He made himself look dumb since we aren't a couple and he is getting mad over dumb shit, but I have an interview with Adam aka no jumper tomorrow all about him so THE REAL TEA will spill

But I don't feel bad for it. He literally made me look so fucking dumb but we will see who will be the dumb one when people find out the truth

It just makes me seem like a whore, which isn't what I want to be looked at. I don't want that to ruin my image. I'd hate that and I'd hate for it to ruin Grayson's too so I will do everything in my power for that not to occur

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