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Ryan's pov

I woke up to a phone ringing, I got up and saw Grayson's phone was lit up. Who the fuck will be calling Grayson at like 5 in the morning? People are sleeping during this time. A bitch is tryna get her beauty sleep.

I wiped my eyes and answered it "hello" I said and the person ended the call. Well don't fucking call if you aren't gunna say anything, the fuck. Whatever

There was no contact name, just a random number. I didn't mind too much of it and went back to sleep

I rested my eyes and then the phone vibrated meaning a text was sent. I groaned and got up, I looked and my heart just sank to my stomach. I rubbed my eyes to make sure what I was seeing was true. As soon as my eyes adjusted back from being rubbed, my heart sank once again.

The text said "great running into you last night Grayson, I didn't think you'd like lil skies. I haven't seen you in a couple weeks. since you haven't been coming to the gym often. Miss you and our little sessions 😘 if you know what I mean. Let's meet up again, We can get a hotel room like last time 😁"

I got up immediately and walked to Ethan's room. He was up thankfully and I put the phone to his face "has Grayson been bring girls around?"

He shook his head "no. Grayson leaves to the gym early in the morning tho, earlier than usual. But I haven't seen no girl". He pulled me into a hug "you'll be fine, just talk to him. Let's not assume right away"

I was crying for a little until I wiped the tears "as much as I want to believe that he isn't, I can't. Things are starting to add up now"

I walked back to Grayson's room and threw a pillow at his face. He got up and rubbed his eyes "what the hell"

"What the hell? What the hell are you doing Grayson?" I asked and he just yawned "well I just fucking woke up". A tear fell and I handed him his phone, tear after tear began to fall down and I couldn't hold it in, "after everything I do for you, for you to fucking do me dirty like this? Again? I put trust in you Grayson. So much fucking trust and now that's all the way fucking down the drain"

"I can explain this" he began to say but I cut him off before he couldn't say a word "shut the fuck up, it's fucking clear that you are hooking up with this bitch while playing me. It all fucking makes sense now, that's why you didn't want to move in with me huh? Cause you getting rid of the lease to your apartment wouldn't allow you to see her ?"

I started pacing the room "you are literally a fucking piece of shit". He just stared at me and I kept going "when were you planning on telling me? I'm just fucking done with you, all your stuff and the shit you gave me will all be outside my house"

He looked at me and said "I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just bored, I don't know. She gave me stuff you didn't"

I began pacing again and asked "how the fuck were you bored? I gave you fucking sex, I gave you fucking gifts, I gave you everything. I fucking gave you my time. What the fuck does she have that I don't?". I wiped the tears and shrugged "but it's fine now, cause you are single and free to do whatever the flying fuck you want and therefore I will do the same"

I grabbed my stuff and all the stuff I have left there and went into the car. I saw Ethan walking towards my window and I lowered the window and he had told me "I know what's going through your mind right now and your feelings against my brother but that shouldn't ruin our friendship alright. My family fucking loves you and you are our friend and so don't ever think you aren't welcomed cause you always will be". I got out the car and hugged him "thank you, same for you". I got In my car and drove home and cried the entire way there.

When I got home, Jessica was in the kitchen, as soon as she saw me she asked "who the fuck do I fuck up?"

I shrugged "Grayson had been cheating on me". She pulled me into a hug and said "how about, I grab some pizza and ice cream, ice water and put on some scary movies?". I nodded a million times "please"

She nodded and got on the phone with a pizza delivery joint, then put some movies on in the theater room, she had the ice cream there already with huge spoons and Texas chainsaw massacre ready to played.

The pizza arrived and she played the movie and we spent the night like that.

Texting; Grayson dolan Where stories live. Discover now