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Grayson's pov

It's been about two weeks since me and Ryan split. Fans are already beginning to find out. I'm not surprised, I mean after all it looks like I haven't gotten sleep, I haven't even been on social media or anything.

In the beginning it didn't hit me but not it's starting to hurt. Like what the fuck was I thinking? I was blessed with a gorgeous girl and gave that shit up? It's literally eating me inside. I fucked up and I know what I did, I was stupid.

I've thought about texting her but then again at the same time, I just need to talk to my mom. I need to see if she can give me any advice. Which explains why I'm in a plane headed to jersey.

Ethan came with me as emotional support when really he doesn't even care about me, he's buddy buddy with my now ex. I wouldn't be surprised if they're hooking up, he'd be the type to do so. I just have to catch him doing so. "You really think I'm fucking Ryan?... but if I was, you'd never find out. I know how to actually hide shit. You know, unlike you who couldn't even hide a phone number" I heard him say. I laughed Wow I spoke out loud. I'm dumb

"Have you even gone to see Ryan?" He asked me and I shook my head no and he shrugged "I'm not surprised, you show zero sympathy"

He put his headphones in and ignored me the entire flight.


As soon as we arrived to our home in jersey, we went looking for our mom.

We checked the dining room and she was there sitting at the table with her face in her hands "mom what's wrong?"I asked and she clasped her hands together and looked at me "what's wrong? Really Grayson? Ethan told me what happened with you and Ryan, what the fuck were you thinking Grayson?"

I stepped back and defended my self "you are going to support her on this rather than your own son?", she nodded and asked "why would I support your decision on cheating on a future multi billionaire"

I Gave her an eyebrow not knowing anything that she was talking about "she's not a billionaire"

She motioned for me to take a seat "she talked to me about her future, how she is going to be a psychiatrist. Since her father and biological mother own almost all the psychiatric wards in the US, Canada and in the UK they are making a huge fucking killing. As soon as Ryan gets her doctorate degree and finishes all her college, she's going to take over what her mother does since she will be retiring around that time. She will be the new CEO. Her father, I heard doesn't like her. But his company is part of her mothers, it's owned by the mom. Ryan will have control over everything, not to mention what they do on the side, she will be taking over an entire oil company"

I shrugged and asked "what does that have to do with me"

"What are you going to do after YouTube? You are going to need to leave a legacy and I'm thinking being a
COO for her company isn't a bad idea. But you fucked everything up"

I asked her "you really did like her huh?" And she nodded and explained why "she has her whole future planned and is following those plans step by step. She has a vision and I was hoping for you to some day have a vision like that. YouTube will die out soon, you'll get old"

Ethan looked at me "damn, Grayson you fucked up. Multi billionaire for you just left and thrown out the fucking window"

"I had made a deal with her, that I was suppose to convince you to quit YouTube, not soon but later in order for you to be her COO and she'll give me millions of dollars"

I stood up and pushed the table "you were selling me out? That's why you were so close with her huh? For fucking money?"

"I put the idea to her, I want you to be her ceoo"

Texting; Grayson dolan Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang