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Grayson's pov

I woke up and felt the body warmth of Ryan
it felt so right. It felt like a body pillow with its legs overlapping mine, but a heated body pillow.

I shifted towards the best side table and grabbed my phone. I turned it on and as soon as it loaded to my lock screen I saw a text from James

Where tf are you, we are suppose to film

I just woke up, I'm with Ryan & have to go to an interview with her

Who must it be for it to be so important?

No Jumper

Ian and I will tag along then. Can we?

Well lemme ask ry about it but I'm sure she will say yes

Ryan motioned up and got up to go to the bathroom, I followed her and sat on the floor while she peed "can James and Ian join us for the interview?"

She nodded while half asleep "I don't mind". I smiled at her and she just closed her eyes shut.
She finished and just took her clothes off and turned on the water for a shower, I watched her as she went in. I watched for a little the went out to the hall way. I walked towards the kitchen, Jessica was watching the news in the living room and I watched it from the spot that I was at.

I grabbed some cereal and still continued to watch it. There was a huge fire going on in Sonoma California.

Jessica looked back at me and asked "can I ask you something? It's been on my mind for a while". I gave her a questioning look which was my answer of yeah. She walked over to me and sat at the barstool. She stared at me for a while "why are you and James so close, like I've been sing the videos with the whole sister squad and you and James are super close"

I laughed "James and I? No, I love Ryan. I'm not gay"

She rolled her eyes "I'm gunna chip off your nuts if you end up falling for him"

I stayed quiet for the remainder of the time, it isn't true. James is really flirty with me but I just never pay attention to him. Emma and Ethan always talk about us dating but I couldn't do that.

I like pussy, point blank period

I heard the water stop form Ryan's shower so I assume she was done. Within minutes, she had came out to the living room and nearly yelled at me "Grayson I have to go and you aren't even ready yet"

"I can shower and get ready in less than ten minutes" I reassured and walked to her room to shower.

Ryan's pov

I sat on Jessica's lap and she asked me "are you aware of how close James and Grayson are?". I took some time to process what she was talking about and I expressed my knowledge by saying "We just fixed things, I would hope he wouldn't but then again, I'm not perfect either. I am in contact with people I used to be sexually actively with"

She rested her head on my shoulder and told me "I hate seeing you hurt, it breaks me. You're my best friend so what hurts you, hurts me"

I smiled and said "where is Ali?". She shrugged "we are taking a little break, he's going to be traveling this summer so"

I rubbed her shoulder "you'll be good, I know Ali more than well, he will be back and isn't the type to go sleep around"

She kissed my forehead and screamed "YOU BETTER GO KILL THAT INTERVIEW"

Grayson came out and we went to the car. Then from there, we went to the No Jumper interview.


We took some seats where the audio equipment was at and began the interview. "Welcome to the No Jumper podcast aka the coolest podcast in the world where today we are interviewing a girl who's net worth is literally a million times mine, Ryan Love"

"Hi guys, I hope you don't mind but I brought my boyfriend" I sayyyyy to the mic and then he asked me the first question "ight so, the fans really wanna know how you got where you are"

I sighed for how long the story is gunna be "okay so my parents are psychiatrists and own psychiatric wards around the US and some other countries, my mom is retiring so she signed me as the CEO, originally was suppose to be the COO but she's giving me her legacy. I grew up in this shit. I'm also thinking in investing in some Hip hop artists but that is not for sure yet"

Everyone in the room was shocked "damn, who are you looking to invest in?"

I shrugged "I'm not sure, maybe the Migos and ski mask"

He nodded "you feeling ski? I could get him in the shop right now". I chucked, "I have a boyfriend". "People wanna know about the skies situation, can you explain it? Like how the fuck did you guys meet?"

"I really don't remember, I think it was during a wiz Khalifa show and he was backstage. He was cute and I'm a sucker for tattoos and he has them all over"I explained only implying how we met

He looked at Grayson to see tattoos and the proceeded "so what led you guys to date?"

"We didn't really date, we just hooked up a lot. I was lonely, he was lonely and so sex United us both. But like I said, I found him cute and he sure in the hell was feelin all this" I answered and towards the end of the sentence I pointed at my body

He laughed "he packin or what?"

I looked at Grayson and then looked back at Adam, I nodded "I mean like it did the job, it was slightly bigger than average"

As soon as he finished that sentence, James and his little brother came in and said hi to Grayson and Adam. I watched jame's body language towards Grayson and he kept touching Grayson's thigh. I ignored it and Adam continued to ask me questions "how'd you meet wiz?"

"Me and wiz met wayyyyy back, we were homi-..." I got caught off by James squealing, I rolled my eyes and tried to get through the rest of the interview

Texting; Grayson dolan Where stories live. Discover now