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Ryan's pov

Next day......

I was on my way back home from school, my class ended like twenty minutes early. Ali and I had grabbed something to eat right after class so I'm basically coming home from the restaurant

Ali and I aren't a thing, he actually likes this girl in his Statistics class which he is minoring in, she's really pretty

I  pulled up to my house and saw Ethan's BMW parked in my driveway, I continued to park in the garage.

I closed the garage door and got out my car. I walked into the house and saw Grayson there and no Ethan

"I'm sorry Ryan, Jessica told me to come over and explained everything. I should have believed you" he said coming over to me

"You think sorry is gunna fix us? I'm sorry Grayson but you ended this, you hurt me gray. I can't deal with this right now" I explained

He rolled his eyes and began to raise his voice "why cause you are with Ali now? I saw you two at the beach yesterday so don't try and bullshit me". He pushed my shoulder

I chuckled and shoved him "actually, me and Ali are not dating. I met the girl he's talking to and she's not me"

"Can we argue in your room and not in front of Jessica?" He asked

I rolled my eyes and he dragged me to my room. He closed the door and faced me. He had lifted me and leaned me against the wall. I moved away from him and snapped at him "is that why you came here? To have sex Grayson? You think sex solves our problems".

He looked away from me and began to talk "jessica told me the real story, I'm sorry for not believing you and I'm more sorry for accusing you of being with Ali..... I was just jealous and it broke my heart just seeing you with someone else. This little break up made me think of how much I need you in my life, my life is so boring without you. And hungry since you always cook for me. But take me back ry?"

"I'm assuming you still want the sex right?" I asked and he nodded "of course, I don't know how I went two weeks without your body. I need to have sex with you at least 5 times a week"

I chuckled, really? I'm surprised he didn't hook up with anyone else. Most guys tend to do that when they break up with their girlfriends.

"You make my life hard Grayson" I say and he commented back with "and you make my dick hard so what's your point"

I nodded and just let him do his own thing on my body

Texting; Grayson dolan Where stories live. Discover now