Chapter Thirty Two

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Soft lips brushed across my face, leaving sweet tender kisses in their wake. I moaned and burrowed into my pillow. 

"Blake, wake up." "No," I moaned. "Stop moaning Blake, you're turning me on this early in the morning." "Why do you want me to wake up? Are we going somewhere?" I asked. "Yes." I moaned once more to excite Adam even further before getting up from the bed. 

"Are you ready?" Adam asked me. "Yes, let's go." Adam received a text from Usher a few moments ago saying that Shakira and himself would like to meet us. "Wait, where do they want to meet us at?" "The place where I met you for the first time," Adam said and then he smiled. Memories of meeting Adam for the first time clouded my mind and I couldn't help but smile either.

I'm refreshed but suddenly nervous. What if Shakira or Usher don't like us or they like Adam but not me? I mean, Adam is a good looking guy while I'm just an average looking country cowboy. I pushed my negative thoughts away and followed Adam.

Half an hour later, we arrived at The Voice studio. Once we enter the place, Shakira and Usher instantly saw us and smiled. "Hey guys!" Adam and I shook hands with Shakira and Usher. 

"So excited to be working with you guys," Shakira said. "Same," Adam and I said simultaneously.

"I love your new song that you just released Adam," Usher said. "Thanks, Usher. I love all your songs. You're an incredible dancer. Dude, you should go on the show 'Dancing With The Stars.' You would totally win," Adam said. Usher's eyes squinted as he laughed. I agree with Adam; Usher should go on Dancing With The Stars instead of The Voice. 

Is somebody jealous? My subconscious mind remarked. I was not jealous! Okay, maybe a little bit? 

Adam and Usher seemed occupied and Shakira was on her phone so I decided to use the bathroom.

When I returned from the bathroom, nothing seemed to change. Adam and Usher were still talking to each other and Shakira was smiling down at her phone. I never knew Adam was such an Usher fan. "Hey guys, I'm hungry. Want to go get lunch?" Shakira suggested. Adam and Usher nodded their head. "Blake?" "Sure," I mumbled. 

We decided to eat at some small yet expensive restaurant. Adam, Usher, and I were eating burgers with fries while Shakira was eating a chicken salad. Adam was sitting next to Usher while I was sitting opposite from him, next to Shakira. 

Suddenly, I felt someone kick my leg lightly. My suspicions of who I thought kicked my leg were confirmed when Adam winked at me. I decided to kick him back. He smiled once he felt my foot touch his. 

I never would have thought that I would be surreptitiously flirting and playing footsie with someone under the table in a restaurant. I can't believe that Shakira and Usher don't even know what's happening under the table. 

"I ran out of ketchup. Can I use your ketchup, Adam?" "Yeah, sure." Usher dipped an irregular sized french fry in Adam's ketchup cup before eating it. Why couldn't he ask Shakira? Shakira's ketchup cup was barely used. I just wanted to shove two french fries up Usher's nostrils. 

Footsie with Adam came to an end when I accidently kicked Usher's leg instead of Adam's. I apologized right away after kicking his leg and Usher forgave me.

"So how difficult was it being a judge on The Voice?" Shakira asked us. "Believe it or not, it was very hard. Sending contestants home just makes me really upset because their dream of becoming a singer just got ruined," Adam said and I agreed. "The good thing is that we were able to help a lot of singers improve. They just need to keep practicing," I said. "Practice makes perfect," Usher commented. 

"I just realized that we're all different types of singers," Shakira said. "I'm Latin-American singer, Adam's a pop singer, Usher's an R&B singer, and Blake's a country singer." "Pop music is the best though," Adam said. "I beg to differ," Usher said and I rolled my eyes. 

After we were done eating, we said our goodbyes. "It was nice meeting you guys," Shakira said. "Yeah, I can't wait to work with you guys very soon. We're going to have so much fun," Usher added. 'I can't wait to see your face and talk to you Adam' was probably what he meant to say. Adam and I hugged Shakira as a final goodbye and we shook hands with Usher. My hand shake with Usher was ephemeral while Usher shook Adam's hand for a good nine seconds (yes, I counted). 

Usher better be careful because Adam's mine. I will not share Adam. Why won't Usher find himself a dancer to date since he loves dancing so much? He probably doesn't even dance as well as he thinks he does.

Shevine (Adam Levine & Blake Shelton)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz