Chapter Twenty Three

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After driving for so many hours, we're finally at New York City. "When do you have your concert?" I asked Adam. "In the afternoon," Adam responded. "I thought we'd start the day out with the Empire State building. It's beautiful in the morning," Adam said. "Okay, sure." 

 We arrived at the Empire State building lobby. "Where are you going?" I asked as Adam headed for the stairwell. "Let's hike to the top," Adam said with a grin. "Are you crazy?" I was crazy for seeing the view at the top, but climbing all the way up there? Hell no. "I'm a little crazy," Adam laughed and pushed open the door. "Adam," I called and raced after him. "This is going to take forever, not to mention, it's going to kill me." "Come on, Blake! We can do this!" Adam grabbed his ankle and lifted his leg back in a stretch. "There's like a hundred flights though, right?" I craned my neck up to stare at the daunting journey. "Hundred and two," Adam corrected me. "I figure we can take the stairs as exercise, then eat some cheeseburgers." "I'm perfectly fine with being a fatty. I'll take the elevator." "Oh, come on. Please Blake?" Adam pouted. "Fine," I grumbled. "But it better be one hell of a view." 

 "I think- I think I'm going to die," I gasped. Stopping to suck in a lungful of air, I put my hands on my knees. Damn, this was one hell of a workout. "Only ten more flights," Adam said, a little breathless himself. The initial excitement Adam had about the climb was gone. It was replaced with a firm determination to reach the top.

 After a few more deep breaths, I continued on after him. We fell silent as we trudged the rest of the way up. When we finally reached the top, my calves were on fire. Adam pushed open the door and he let me step past him. 

Walking to the edge of the building, I let out a deep breath and looked out across New York City. The sun was already high in the sky and its bright rays reflected off the skyscrapers. Adam and I stood in silence for a while as we gazed out across the city. Although the climb up was torture, I was glad I did it with Adam. Something about standing next to him at the top felt perfect. "Beautiful, isn't it?" Adam asked. I turned to stare at him. Sweat lined his forehead, but the smile on Adam's face was radiant. "Yeah, beautiful," I answered. "As beautiful as you," Adam said. "You're so corny." Adam laughed. "This is my favorite view." I tore my eyes off Adam and looked back down on the city. We both leaned against the ledge, our elbows touching. 

 When the tourists started to file in, Adam decided it was time to leave. "Race you to the bottom?" Adam said. "Are you kidding me?" I asked, but chased after him. 

 It upsets me when restaurants think they are too good for ketchup. No one is too good for ketchup. Ketchup is too good for you. After eating cheeseburgers, fries, and drinking a chocolate shake, Adam prepared for his concert.

 Adam's concert was amazing. Adam sang two of his own songs. I was in the front section of the crowd. There were a lot of girls who jumped and sang with the lyrics. The stage was wide, full of lights. 

 "Your performance was magnificent!" I said. "Thank you. I'm going to take a shower," Adam said. 

Ten minutes later, Adam came out of the bathroom with nothing on besides a white towel wrapped around his waist. Adam was lying down on the comfy bed, laying on his stomach. "Blake, can you give me a massage?" Adam asked me. "Sure," I replied.

I began to massage Adam's back with my hands. Pressure was being applied, slow and sensual, long full body strokes. I squirted some oil on Adam. "Mmmmm," Adam kept uttering. I was trying my hardest not to act on the passion that I was feeling with him. The passion of attaching my mouth to his skin rather than allowing my hands to do the job instead. The sound of Adam groaning was not making matters any easier for me. I furiously bit on my lip to stop myself from groaning out loud. 

For the next few minutes, I continued to massage the entire back of Adam's body. I was using my feet this time. I was grasping the metal bar that was above me to prevent slipping and falling. However, I won't mind if I accidently fall on top of Adam. "Shit, that feels so good!" Adam groaned out loud. Suddenly, I crouched down on him and worked on his upper neck with my hands. My thrusts and strokes started to get more urgent. Suddenly, Adam turned himself around. I could see his erection, which was growing considerably. My eyes were noticeably large and a shade of pink appeared on my cheeks. I started rubbing Adam's chest. Then, I massaged down Adam's torso, towards his hardening penis. My hands were slowly going lower and lower until they slipped under the towel. I threw the towel on the floor.

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