Chapter Sixteen

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Adam and I are playing soccer now. I kicked the ball too high and it knocked into a clock. Then, the clock fell and injured Adam's head.

"Ow!" Adam yelled out. "I'm sorry! Do you want me to go get you some ice or something for your head?" "No, I'm fine. You should kiss my head," Adam said. I kissed Adam's head and he smiled. His smile was so perfect. This reminds me when we were working out and he accidently dropped one of his heavy dumbbells on my toe. I still can't believe he kissed my toe. I would love to relive that moment again.

Adam went to use the restroom. I headed for the food aisle. I haven't heard any thunder sounds for the past couple of hours. After I ate, I was going to check the metal walls to see if they were still down. Even if the storm was over, if the walls were still up, we were stuck until someone came and raised them.

Suddenly, I heard unfamiliar voices. I froze for a couple of seconds. Carefully, I peeked around the corner and saw two girls. They both were soaked and dressed in black clothing. They were putting numerous things in a bag. They are definitely robbers. I wish I had my cell phone with me so I can call the cops. I was following them when all of a sudden; I stepped on a potato chip, causing a loud sound.

The girl's heads turned toward me. One of them had long blonde hair; the other had short black hair. "Oh, lookie here. It's Blake Shelton from The Voice," the black hair girl said. "Don't move," the blonde threatened me with a gun in her hand. "I'll just pretend I didn't see you girls," I told them nervously. "I don't think so," the blonde said. They tied me up with rope. "Kristen, go get the security cameras erased." "Okay," Kristen replied.

"How did you guys get in here?" I asked the blonde. She gave me an evil smile. "We destroyed the doors." "Isn't there metal walls in the way? How did you destroy those?" I questioned. "There are no metal walls up. Now, shut up or I'll shoot you." I kept silent. "You know, you're pretty good looking. Maybe if you have sex with me then I'll let you go," she smirked. "No! I am not having sex with you!" I yelled. "Why not? Miranda won't suspect a thing." "Miranda and I-" I stopped speaking. There is no way that I'm telling this robber that Miranda and I broke up. She would probably tell the whole world and then a lot of drama will occur. I wonder where Adam is; I hope he's okay.

"Miranda and you what?" she asked. "Nothing," I responded. She dropped her gun and then pulled out a sharp knife. "Well, since you won't have sex with me, then I guess we have to do this the hard way." "Can't we work something out?" "I tried to, but you won't cooperate with me. I'm just making sure that you won't say anything. So, I'm going to leave you a little warning on your skin." I swallowed. She was walking towards me while holding a knife in her left hand. "This won't hurt at all," she grinned wickedly. She was about four inches away from me when all of a sudden, we heard a voice.

"Don't you dare hurt him!" a familiar voice yelled out. It was Adam's voice. Adam tackled the blonde, making her drop the knife. Adam picked up the knife and began cutting the rope that was wrapped around me. The blonde tried to escape, but Adam grabbed her hair. "You're not going anywhere," Adam said to her. We tied her up and then we started searching for Kristen.

After we found Kristen, we tied her up too. "Blake, are you okay?" Adam asked me in a worried tone. "I'm fine," I told Adam who was still wearing a Superman cape. It was a good thing that I washed my face otherwise these robbers would had saw me looking like a cat.

"You two just sit here until the cops come," Adam said happily. I grabbed the nerf gun that I bought for my nephew and then we left. When we were outside, we saw some damaged buildings, cars lying upside down, and trees were knocked down.  "You owe me since I rescued you," Adam said. "You're my hero. My Superman," I told him.

"So, what do you want to do?" "It's getting pretty late so I'm going to my house. Want to come?" "Sure," I replied.

While Adam was driving the car, I checked my phone for any missed calls or text messages. I got text messages from my mom and dad- they were asking if I was okay or not. I told them that I was fine and I'm glad that they're okay.

"We're here," Adam said. We got out of his car and entered his house. "I'm going to take a shower," I told Adam. "What if I want to take a shower? We can shower together if you want," Adam winked. "Um, no thanks. You can go shower first. This is your house anyways." "I'm just kidding, Blake. Go shower and you know one day we'll be showering together." "Well, today is not the day," I said while my face heated up. Adam and I showering together? I don't think I'm ready for that yet. After I showered, Adam went to shower.

It is now midnight and we're both tired, so we decided to go to sleep. Before going to sleep, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I almost swallowed the toothpaste when I saw the gentle, muscular curve that sloped downward, down Adam's chiseled chest. I scrubbed as hard as possible. All this time, my heart was pounding. What the hell was he doing here, just watching me? I kept my eyes on his face, from the mirror. His gaze never left mine. "What you doing," I said thickly, through my mouthful of toothpaste. "Just watching you brush your teeth. You look adorable brushing your teeth with my toothbrush," Adam said. Oh my gosh, I was using Adam's toothbrush all this time? There are probably lots of germs in this toothbrush, but I don't care. "I'm sorry, I should had gotten you a toothbrush," Adam apologized. "It's okay. I should have known that this was your toothbrush."

I am sleeping on Adam's king-sized bed while Adam is sleeping on the couch. I told him that I wanted to sleep on the couch, but he insisted that I could have the bed. He is such a kind person. "Blake, the couch is killing my back. Can I share the bed with you? I mean this bed is pretty large." "Sure," I responded. I feel bad that Adam's back hurts. We said "goodnight" to each other and then I tried to fall asleep.

Adam: Blake was trying hard to look asleep, his chest rising and falling very dramatically. When I saw one of his eyes cracked open again, I couldn't help wanting to tease him just a little. In a smooth movement, I yanked off my white t-shirt, exposing my bare chest. I heard a small gasp escaped from Blake's mouth and I smirked, feeling satisfied. I was flexing a little, just for Blake. I pulled off my belt and unbuttoned my pants. When was he going to stop me? Was this turning him on? He gave up when my fingers found the elastic of my boxers.

Blake: I was trying my best to fall asleep, but I couldn't. I cracked one of my eyes open again. Our eyes met. Was he watching me sleep this entire time? Suddenly, he took off his shirt and I led out a small gasp. Then, he was flexing. Oh my god, his huge muscles. Why was he doing this? He was about to take off his boxers when I stopped him. "What are you doing?!" I yelled out. "I'm just teasing you. You know you want this." "I don't want to see your little buddy." "Excuse you? Little buddy? It is big, okay? My big buddy." "Your penis is not like Pinocchio's nose. It won't get longer every time you lie about something," I teased. Adam threw a pillow at me. "Go drown in a well," I said. "I would love to drown in a well, with you." A smile appeared on my face. A few seconds later, I was shivering. "Are you cold?" Adam asked me. "Yeah," I replied. "Sorry, I don't have any more blankets. Let's cuddle." Adam's arms were wrapped around me and I could feel his body touching me. "Are you cold now?" "No, I feel a lot warmer. Thank you." We are cuddling in the same bed and Adam has nothing on besides boxers. "I love you to the moon and back," Adam whispered in my ear. "I-" I fell asleep before I could say anything back to him.

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