Chapter Twenty Nine

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Blake's P.O.V.

Adam was about to tell me what happened when suddenly, we both heard fighting. Everyone was running to see the fight, so we followed them. A girl with long black hair was fighting with a girl with short blonde hair. They were pulling each other’s hair. "You're such a whore!" the girl with black hair said to the blonde. "You're just jealous because he loves me more than he loves you!" the blonde countered back. "Why would he love you more? Your head is so big, it's a miracle that planets don't orbit around it!" A lot of "oohhhhs" and "burned" echoed throughout the room as the blonde spilled alcohol on the black-haired girl's dress. The girl with black hair lunged at the blonde, knocking her over. 

"Guys, stop!" I yelled, ready to step in. Before I could reach out to pull the black-haired girl off of the blonde, I was yanked backwards. "Don't get in the middle of that," Adam told me, restraining me from moving forward. "I don't want you to get hurt." Adam stepped in, pulling them apart.

"I suggest that we leave this party," I said. "I agree," Adam agreed with me. We both left Christina's house and then Adam drove us home. 

When we arrived home, Adam began to tell me what happened to him at the party. 

"Wow, I never knew that Christina liked you like that," I said after Adam told me what happened. "Me too. She was so drunk and she really wanted me. But I'm taken by this amazing person," Adam said and I smiled. 

"Hm, I wonder who that amazing person is," I said. "Obviously not Blake Shelton," Adam said, playing along. "Obviously. Who is Blake Shelton anyways?" "I don't know." We both laughed. 

"Look what I took from the party," I said, showing Adam a bottle of whiskey. "Wow. Are you serious? Damn Blake, you love to drink." "I feel like if I'm a country artist, my job is to lay my heart and soul on the line and my heart and soul is being a redneck and drinking and being stupid. That's what I do," I said. 

"Blake." "Yeah?" "Your lips are like wine and I want to get drunk," Adam said. "To the bedroom?" "Yes, let's go." I followed Adam to the bedroom. The party may have sucked, but my night was not ruined. 

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