Chapter Seventeen

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A ray of light touched my eyes, interrupting my sleep. I frowned because I didn't remember leaving my curtains opened. I opened my eyes and my eyes widened when I saw Adam's face two inches away from mine. Oh right... I wasn't at home, I was at Adam's place. Adam looked so cute when he was sleeping. The only disgusting thing was that he had drool all over his pillow. I got off the bed, brushed my teeth, and started preparing pancakes for breakfast. After eating breakfast, I took out my phone to check the time. 9:30 A.M. Adam has been sleeping for quite a while now. "Adam, wake up! It's 9:30 A.M." He didn't say anything. "Adam?" Still nothing. "Come on, lazy boy." I took his pillow away from him. He opened his eyes feeling the sunlight coming in by the window. "Could you please close the curtains?" he asked closing his eyes. "No way. Get up!" I pulled him by his arms making him sit down on the bed. "My God, you're annoying," Adam started rubbing his eyes. "You're lazy," I responded. Adam got off of his bed, wore his Despicable Me plush soft minion slippers, and went to the bathroom.

"Aren't you going to wear a shirt and some pants?" I asked Adam who was still in his boxers. "Nah. I spend most of my life naked. In fact, I often have to be told by the people around me that it's inappropriate to be as naked as I am," he replied. We got on the bed and decided to watch a movie. "Let's watch 'It'," Adam said and laughed at the face I made. "No way, I already watched it once when I was younger! I hate clowns." "You're an adult now," Adam teased. "Okay, fine. Let's watch It," I gave up. I was sitting in the middle of his legs, my back resting on his chest. He was so warm. He rested his chin on my shoulder.

After watching the movie, I felt scared. "Are you scared, Blake?" "No," I lied. "What should we do now?" I asked. "I'm going to visit my sister at the hospital. Want to come?" "Okay." After Adam wore some clothes, we left the house and headed towards his car. Adam was wearing a red and black checkered button down shirt, gray crop pants, and some white shoes. "I want to listen to this radio station," Adam said. "I want to change it to something else!" We were slapping each other's hands, elbowing each other, and we almost crashed into a police car. Adam stopped the car because the traffic light is red. "Oh shit! A police officer is coming!" I panicked. "Should I unbutton my shirt a little to make her go easy on us?" Adam asked. "No, don't," I replied. He unbuttoned his shirt anyways. Adam rolled down the car window so the police officer can talk to us. The awkward moment when the police officer is a guy and Adam has his shirt unbuttoned. I was trying my best not to laugh. "Is there a problem here? You guys almost crashed into my police car!" "There's no problem here officer and we're very sorry," Adam said. "Okay, be careful next time. Drive safely." The officer left and I started laughing. "Ugh, I'm so pissed off," Adam complained. "It's better to be pissed off than pissed on," I joked.

We entered the hospital and some nurses were staring at Adam coquettishly. We stepped inside a room, a creepily white room: curtains, sheets, walls... everything was white. Adam's sister was sleeping on the hospital bed. I looked at Adam who was holding a bag. "What's in that bag?" I asked him. "Cough syrup," he replied. He took the syrup out of the bag and I noticed that it wasn't cough syrup. "Um... Adam, that's maple syrup." "Dammit! I could've sworn that this was cough syrup." Suddenly, Adam's sister woke up. "Hey Adam!" she said enthusiastically. "Julia!" Adam hugged her. "Julia, this is my friend, Blake. Blake, this is my sister, Julia." "Nice to meet you," I said to Julia. "Nice to meet you too!" Adam placed one of his hands on her forehead. "Oh my gosh! Your temperature is high!" Adam said. "Higher than Adam's IQ," I joked. Julia was laughing. Adam left the room to get some ice for her head. "You're really funny Blake." "Thanks." Adam came back with ice and for the next couple of minutes, the three of us just talked.

"Alright Julia, we're going to be leaving now," Adam said. "Okay, come visit me another time!" Adam and I left Julia's room. "Adam, I'm going to buy something from the vending machine. Wait for me outside." Adam left the hospital while I headed towards the vending machine. While I was walking, I glanced at the patients in each room I passed by. My eyes widened when I saw Miranda sleeping on a hospital bed. What is Miranda doing here in a hospital? Thank goodness she's asleep. I wondered if Luke did something to her. I got a snack from the vending machine and then left the hospital. When I stepped outside, I found Adam resting his back against his car. His dark eyes met mine and a smile was formed on his full lips. He drove us to his place.

"I'm going to order pizza for lunch, okay?" Adam asked me. "Sounds good," I replied. "While I was walking to the vending machine, I saw Miranda in a room sleeping," I told Adam. "Hm... I wonder what she is doing there. Maybe she got into a car accident?" "I don't know. I think Luke did something bad to her." "Don't think about them too much. I'm pretty sure she's fine," Adam said. Suddenly, Adam walked closer to me. "Kiss me," he whispered, sending shivers through my spine. Why did his voice have to be so sexy? "No," I replied playfully. His face was so close to mine that our noses were about to touch. "No?" he asked, trying to sound hurt. His lips brushed my cheek, they were so soft. I smiled at him and kissed him on the lips once. "That's it? I need more," he used some childish tone. "No more kisses for you." "Just one more kiss, Blake." "I-" He didn't let me finish and kissed me roughly. The kiss was demanding and possessive. I opened my mouth for him, letting his tongue penetrate it several times. When he left my mouth to kiss my neck, I was gasping. "Adam..." I said trying to control myself. It just felt so good to be in his arms. To be kissed and touched by him, like I was made for him. "That's what you get for making fun of my IQ level."

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