Chapter Eighteen

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"Blake, let's go swimming in my pool." "I don't know how to swim though," I said. "I'll teach you," Adam replied. I followed Adam to where his pool was. We took off our shirts and jumped into the pool. The swimming pool was huge, but the water wasn't too deep for me to stand in. "When you're in the water, hold on to the side of the pool and let your legs float out behind you. Practice doing this on your stomach and on your back, until you're comfortable letting half of your body float. Try floating on your back or your stomach as soon as you're ready. Stay in a shallow depth so that you can simply stand up if it's not working out." I tried floating on my back, but failed. I kept trying and trying until I was successful. "Look, I'm floating on my back!" "Good job!" Adam said. It feels weird having water around my ears while my nose and mouth are in the air, but Adam told me that I'll get used to it. "For extra stability, put out your arms at a right angle so that your body is in a 'T' shape." I did what he said. "While you're still in a shallow depth, take a deep breath and put your face underwater. Slowly exhale out your nose until you're out of breath, then come back up." I practiced exhaling underwater and then I practiced kicking my legs. Afterwards, I tried doing a backstroke. Adam ran inside and came back a couple of minutes later with three beach balls. "My greatest dream is to swim in an ocean of orange soda. It is a Fanta sea," Adam said. "I see what you did there," I replied. We spent the next 30 minutes splashing water, swimming, and throwing beach balls at each other, but it was a lot of fun.

After drying ourselves, we went to the living room to play some cards. "Let's play Go Fish," I said. Adam nodded his head and we both grabbed seven cards.

"Do you have any sixes?" I ask Adam. "Go Fish" Adam replied. "You little liar!" I screech, throwing my cards down in defeat. "How would you know, cheater?" he asks. I admit, I did take a peek at Adam's cards but only because I thought he was lying to me. "Then let me see your cards!" I said. "No!" he screams, moving his cards away from me. "Adam!" I yelled, jumping on top of him to see his cards. He threw his cards in the air. "Get off of me!" he screeches, trying to get me off. I refuse and pin him down as he laughs. "You think you can pin me down, Blake?" Adam chuckles and flips me over easily. I squirm in his grip and try to get myself out, but I couldn't. "Adam, you're hurting me!" "All you have to do is admit that I'm a winner and you're a loser," Adam said. "Never!" I replied. I regretted what I just said because Adam just puts more of his weight on me. "Say it," he growled and looked at me with fierce eyes. "Never," I repeated. "Fine, I'll tickle you," he said with a shrug. His eyes that were filled with amusement traveled down my body until they found a satisfying spot to tickle me. "You wouldn't," I said while trying to keep a serious expression. "Three...two..." "No, don't." "One." Adam started attacking my sides. "Adam!" I screamed, squirming like a worm. "Your hands are cold!" I manage to say in between laughs as he continued to tickle me in various places. I couldn't take it anymore. "You win! I'm a complete loser!" I said, giving up. Adam stopped tickling me and got off me.

"Do you want to go ice fishing tomorrow?" I asked Adam. "Why do you gotta fish for ice? Just get it out of a machine or freeze water." I face palmed myself. "Never mind, forget ice fishing." "Let's go ice skating tomorrow!" Adam said enthusiastically. "I don't know how to ice skate though." "I'll teach you." "Okay." "Blake." "Yes?" "You snore." "Do I not sound like a purring kitten?" I questioned. "Yeah, sure. A kitten drowning in a river maybe," Adam replied. I almost laughed. "I'm going to use the bathroom. Be right back," Adam said. While Adam was in the bathroom, I went to his room. I noticed that Adam's guitar broke. I wondered what happened. Earthquake? "Blake, where are you?" Adam asked. "In your room," I responded. Adam came in his room. "What happened to your guitar?" I asked him. "When I was running to get the beach balls, I tripped into my guitar. Now, it's broken." "You shouldn't had ran!" I told him. "I know. I'm so dumb," Adam said. "You can say that again." "Blake, don't make me tickle you," Adam smirked. "Okay okay, I'm sorry. Don't tickle me." "I'm excited to go ice skating tomorrow," Adam said. "Me too. I just hope that I don't get injured." "We'll see..."   

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