Chapter Nine

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I had a difficult time sleeping last night. Should I tell someone that Miranda and I broke up? I don't want the whole world knowing that we broke up though because I hate drama. I took a long hot shower, ate breakfast, then drove to Adam's place. Instead of knocking on the door, I texted him saying that I was outside his house. He opened the door and questioned, "Why didn't you just knock on the door?" I quickly made something up. "Your door looks fragile. I didn't want to break it with my mighty strength." Adam did his adorable laugh. "You're feeble, Blake." "Let's arm wrestle then." I regretted what I just said. "Okay." We had five rounds of arm wrestling. I didn't even win one round. In the last round, I cheated and still lost. "Do you want to arm wrestle again?" Adam asked. "No, I feel as weak as a day old infant." "You need to work out! Come with me." I followed Adam to his workout place. "The more muscle you have, the more fat you burn. You should start with a set of 8 pound dumbbells. As you get stronger, continue to maximize your results by using heavier weights." Wow, Adam would make a perfect gym teacher. I like the word, 'dumbbell.' Maybe I should start calling Adam that. We began lifting dumbbells for a couple of minutes. We were sweating everywhere. Adam began to take off his shirt and I tried my best to not stare at his body or his tattoos. He has a lot of tattoos. I'm not really a fan of tattoos. "You smell like weed, Blake." "You smell like seaweed. How do you know what weed smells like?" Did Adam smoke? What if he is a smoker and he convinces me to smoke? "Because I'm a smoker."

He accidently dropped one of his heavy dumbbells and it landed on my big toe. "Ouch!!" I yelled out. The good news is that I was wearing socks, otherwise it would had been more painful. "I'm so sorry Blake! I swear I didn't mean to drop that dumbbell on your toe. I'll go get some ice." Adam ran out the room and came back with ice in less than a minute. He applied ice on my injured toe so that the ice shrinks the tissues and the blood vessels. "Are you mad at me?" Adam asked with a concerned expression on his face. "No, but my toe hurts so much. This is fake ice!" "This is real ice and this is a real kiss." Adam bended down and kissed my toe. Red leaked into my cheeks as I nervously smiled and bit my lip. The redness quickly disappeared because of the ice cooling me down. "Does your toe feel better now?" "Uh, sure." "I'm really sorry," Adam repeated again. "Hey, it's alright. No pain, no gain." My toe was feeling better probably because of the ice, not Adam's kiss. However, I did enjoy the kiss. Why would someone kiss there though? I'm surprised he didn't complain that my feet smelled or something. Now, I got to persuade him to stop smoking. "At what age did you start smoking?" I asked him. "I forgot. I think during my high school years. Cigarettes are so addicting." "You're addicting." Did I really just say that out loud? Yes, you idiot. "What?" Adam looked at me weirdly. "Food is addicting." "Oh." I don't know if I covered myself or not. I hope Adam didn't hear that I called him addicting. "Please don't smoke. For me?" I tried my best to do a puppy dog face. "That's the cutest puppy dog face I ever saw in my life." I couldn't tell if Adam was lying or not. I hope he wasn't lying. "Well, I am 30% dog," I joked. "And I'm 30% shark." Adam began making shark noises. "Just promise me you'll quit smoking." "I promise." He better keep his promise. "Okay then, Sharky." I think the nickname "Sharky" is perfect for Adam. 

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