Chapter Thirty One

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"Should we open the door?" I asked Adam as we both wore our clothes back on. "What if the person behind the door is a serial killer?" Adam questioned.  

"Um, hello? Is anyone in there?" We immediately recognized the coach's voice. Adam opened the door and the coach's eyes widened. "Oh, you're still here with your friend. I just came here because I left my keys here. Have you seen my keys?" "Yeah, here," Adam handed the coach the keys. "Thanks."

The coach's eyes scanned the room and he raised an eyebrow when he looked at the broken desk. "What happened to the desk?" he asked. "I was playing basketball and I was running to do a slam dunk, but when I jumped in the air, I unfortunately landed on the desk," Adam lied. "Oh, you should be careful next time. Anyways, I'm going to go home. Goodbye again," the coach said before he left the room.

"I can't believe he fell for your lie," I said. "Same. I think we should go home now," Adam suggested. "Yeah, let's go home," I agreed. 

When we arrived back to Adam's house, I remembered something. "Adam, did you know that the next season of The Voice starts in like two weeks?" "Oh, I totally forgot. Cee Lo and Christina said that they won't be able to do The Voice because Christina's pregnant and Cee Lo is going on tour," Adam said.

"Aw, I'm going to miss them. I'm just happy that you're still going to be on The Voice. I can't believe that we met by a show. Imagine if we never chased our dreams and became music artists?" "I know right. I'm so glad that I chased my dream of being a lead singer of a band. It feels good to hear people say that I'm their idol," Adam said.

"If you weren't a singer, what would you be?" I asked Adam. "I honestly don't know. High school sucked for me." "I hated high school as well! Homework? Decent grades? The Bible said Adam and Eve, not Adam and achieve," I said and Adam laughed. "You're my Eve," Adam said and I blushed.

"Do you know who will replace Christina and Cee Lo?" I asked Adam. "Yeah, Usher and Shakira. I think we are going to meet them this week," Adam replied. "Oh my gosh, I love Usher and Shakira! Shakira can dance really good and Usher's body is so hot." Adam pouted and he looked absolutely adorable. "Don't worry, your body is the best," I said and Adam's face lit up. "You better not become attracted to Usher," Adam said. "You're the only man that I'm attracted to," I told Adam.

Suddenly, Adam kissed me. His lips are plump and soft as they connect with mine; taking my emotions on a trip to the skies as I soar onto cloud nine. As Adam pulls me closer to him, I want more. I feel his hard-on against my right leg. "School may have been hard for us, but your boner is way harder," I said. "School is like a boner; long and hard. Wow, that is a perfect simile. I could had used that on an English essay and got an A plus," Adam said and I laughed. Then, Adam slipped his tongue into my mouth. 

My hands end up tangled in Adam's hair, raking through his soft straight locks as I try to push myself closer to him. His back is pushed up against the wall and my body is pushed up flat against his, creating friction that's hard to ignore. I can feel Adam's hands exploring my hair, moving downwards to my neck, over my shoulders, down my back, and then Adam squeezes my butt, making me shiver as I have no doubts that goose bumps are appearing all over my skin. 

"I don't think we could survive one whole day without kissing each other," I said. "I know right," Adam agreed. "You're so irresistible." 

 Adam checked his phone. "Blake, I received an email from the coach!" "Really? That fast? Oh my gosh, what'd he say?" "I got accepted to his team!" "Yay! I knew you would make it," I said. I felt euphoric for Adam. This time, I kissed Adam. 

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