Chapter Four

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I left The Voice studio and as I got outside, I got a text message from Adam. "Idiot, are you finally awake?" While I was walking to my car I texted him back, "Yes, you asshole." "So what do you think of Shevine?" I am now texting Adam and driving at the same time. "I think it's a great name for us. Ya just had to write on my arm with a permanent sharpie. Ya could had at least used a red sharpie for the heart!"  " I don't have a red sharpie. You should go buy one for me." "Okay, I will." "Really?" "Hell no!" I've arrived at my destination, my house. Home sweet home. It took me a while to open the door because I've so many keys. After entering the house, I realized that I should had just rang the doorbell because Miranda is home. "Hey honey, how was The Voice?" "It was very fun." "You should eat dinner. I cooked you a fancy meal." "Thanks, baby." I walked into the kitchen to eat dinner. After eating dinner, I cleaned the dishes. Then, I went to the living room to talk to Miranda. We began to drink some beer also. I guess we got carried away because eventually we drank too much and became drunk. "You know, we haven't did it in a long time," Miranda said in a soft voice. "To the bedroom!" I said enthusiastically.

We both stripped all our clothes off in less than a minute. I think we just broke the record for how fast can you take all your clothes off before you have sex. I was on top of Miranda rubbing our bodies together. At first we kissed gently, but then the gentle kiss turned into a French kiss. Our lips and tongues were relaxed and moist, but not sloppy. I moved my tongue slightly, caressing Miranda's tongue with it. "Mmmm, yea! Oh Blake!" Miranda moaned. "Oh Adam!" "Adam?!" Oh shit.

"I meant Miranda!" Why the hell did I say Adam's name? "Yeah, okay. What's this written on your arm?!" She noticed the writing that Adam wrote on my arm. "And why is there a heart on your arm as well?!" Anger was running through her veins like an ongoing roller coaster. "I can explain. I took a nap for a couple of hours at The Voice place and when I woke up, Adam had written on me." "I knew Adam was trouble." Miranda sighed, "You know what... I think we should break up." "No! Why?" "You've been spending more time with Adam than me every day and I'm sick of this. Good bye Blake." "Miranda, wait!" I tried to stop her from leaving our house, but it was too late. Miranda and I broke up...      

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