Chapter 45

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"Fuck.", you mumble as you see the car.

You close your eyes intuitively. The next thing you hear is the sound of tires sliding over the asphalt, as the car tries to brake. But it was too late. You feel the impact of the car in your entire body and for a few seconds everything goes black for you as you lay on the road.

You open your eyes and see no pedestrians around, it's only you and whoever drove the car. You cough up blood and look up at the car. The driver gets out of it and it is...


He walks towards you and crouches right next to you. "Ah, kitten. What did I tell you?", he asks sarcastically with a smirk on his face. You cough up blood onto his feet, but this time you do it intentionally. "I said, that I am going to kill you the next time you try to escape.", he says as he lifts your chin with his fingers.

"You are just one lucky girl, that you are still breathing.", Yoongi adds. Then you try to force out words, almost unable to speak: "Eat... shit." Yoongi starts laughing. "Still the same temper as always, I see.", he jokingly says. "You have no idea, how much I love seeing you so helpless and vulnerable. It's so damn sexy.", Yoongi whispers while stroking your cheek.

Suddenly a pedestrian comes around the corner and Yoongi gets up instandly. "CALL AN AMBULANCE!", Yoongi yells at the lady, while looking really worried. He should have debuted as an actor. She gasps and gets out her phone after she realized what happened.

Yoongi then kneels down again, resting your head onto his lap. He starts patting your head, because now there is a witness, he has to act like it was an accident and that he is really worried about you.

With your head on his lap, you look up at him and he looks down at you. You start mouthing 'fucking asshole' and he just gives you a smirk back.

Finally the ambulance arrives and the ambulancemen start running towards you. "What happened?!", one of them asks. Yoongi shakes his head. "I-i...", he fake stutters, "I hit her, s-she is my girlfriend, we lost each other in a crowd. I-it was an accident, she was suddenly on the road... I was just barely able to react." A tear rolls down his cheek and sadly the medics believe it, but you know that he is just faking everything.

They lay you onto a stretcher and bring you into the ambulance. As they are about the close the doors, Yoongi yells: "Wait!" The men stop every movement as they look at him confused. "Let me come with her please!"

The ambulancemen look at you. "Is it okay, when he comes with us?", one of them asks. You know, you have to agree, so he doesn't kill you later, or whatever he is going to do. So, you nod your head hesitantely and Yoongi enters the ambulance. He sits down next to you and holds your hand. "It's gonna be okay.", he says. You throw a death glare at him, but he just smirks it away.

Then one of the medics interrups your staring contest: "At a first glance, I would say it's nothing severe. Your leg is broken for sure, but we will find out more at the hospital." A fake tear of relief rolls down Yoongi's cheek. "I'm so glad. I was so worried.", he almost cries out. You are beyond annoyed by his oscar-worthy show.

You finally arrive at the hospital and you are brought to a doctor's office, Yoongi unfortunately never leaving your side.

(time skip)

As you were done with the tests, that showed that you just have a broken leg, broken rib and a sprained wrist, you are brought into a hospital room. Yoongi paid the hospital, so you have an one-bed room.

He sits right next to your bed on a stool as the two of you watch a random TV show. He doesn't even really watch the show, he is just looking at you. You just want him to leave, forever.

Yoongi is just a crazy psycho, you are in hospital because of him. But the real question is, what would he have done, if the lady didn't appear? He wouldn't have brought you to hospital. Would he have treated you at all?

You are really lucky, that you just have a fractured leg and rib, which will grow together again on their own, so no surgery needed. But still, he could have killed you. Wait, he braked the car. He didn't mean to kill you, did he?

You look at him and catch him staring at you, but he doesn't mind, he just keeps staring, but now with a faint smile on his face. "You fucking psycho.", you say under your breath.

At this moment the door opens and a nurse comes in. "The visiting time is over, would you please leave now, Mr. Min.", the young nurse says kindly, obviously knowing him. Yoongi gives you a peck on the forehead as he gets up.

"I really don't want to leave my baby alone here.", he says while getting up. The nurse chuckles cutely at his statement.

"You should watch out, that I don't break in at night to see my babygirl."

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