Chapter 38

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"(Y/N)! Come on, quick!"

"Taehyung?!", you ask in shook as you see him hectically grabbing your wrist. He pulls you behind him while running through the corridor. Why is he here and what is he doing? Did he understand what is going on and helps you to escape now?

You two arrive at a door and he opens it, leading you inside. Taehyung closes the door behind him. You sit down on the edge of his bed and he comes towards you, kneeling in front of you to be on the same eye level as you. You look at his face and see a really big black eye, it is even worse than the one Yoongi has.

He puts his hands onto your knees. "Did he hurt you?", he asks kind of worried. You just shake your head. "Really?", he ensures. "Yeah no, he didn't do anything at all. Everything is fine between us.", you reply. He sighs in relief. "Well, I guess he just beat me up then.", he laughs awkwardly, "I know that he is someone that gets jealous easily, but I didn't expect that."

You give him a faint smile. You are relieved yourself, knowing that he is fine. Well, more or less at least. "So, about you and me...", he shyly starts saying and you tilt your head slightly. And he continues: "Like... in that night, we were... well, doing stuff. Did you really mean it or were you just too drunk?" 

Your eyes widen at what he says and you are not sure what to reply. Sure, you like him, but you can't just say that when everyone thinks you are Yoongi's girlfriend, can you? "I-i-i...", is everything you are able to answer. He smiles kindly at you and whispers: "That is enough as an answer for me."

You shake your head a little bit, but he already got up. "Wait a second, princess.", Taehyung says while walking into the kitchen. You sigh. Wait, why aren't you telling him the truth? Why don't you say that Yoongi kidnapped you and forced you to do everything? Taehyung is going to save you. He will help you escape. So, you wait for him to come back to tell him about everything, still considering of how to explain it.

Taehyung comes back, holding two filled glasses and he sits down next to you on the bed. He hands you one and you hold it while still thinking about how to put your thoughts into words. "Taehyung, actually I-" He interrups you: "Cheers!" and you just do so and start to drink your drink.

You finish your drink in one sip, because you were thirsty as hell. When you remove the glass from your mouth you think that the drink actually tasted weird. You click your tongue at the odd taste, but Taehyung just let out an overdone 'Ahhhh!'.

You look at him and suddenly see two of them. You try to take a closer look at the glass and see some sort of powder on the bottom of the glass. You look back at Taehyung seeing him smirking. You start to feel really dizzy and as if you have no control over your body, mind and thoughts.

Everything seems like a movie or dream to you. "TaeTae~", you say and you start sitting on his lap. "You are so... handsome~" He chuckles and replies: "I know." You start to feel his hand roam your body as you still sit on top of him. "Tae~ more~", you quietly moan. He tilts his head while dirtily smirking. "What?"

"Tae, I want more~" And in that second he presses his lips onto yours. You feel your entire body heat up, still not knowing what is going on or what you say and do. Then the door opens. Taehyung and you both look at the door and you are, for some reason, still capable of identifying the person coming into the room. Yoongi.

"Ah~~~ Lil meow meow~"

An Idol is my Sasaeng?! | Min YoongiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon