Chapter 22

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'Min Yoongi...'  

This name stays in your mind for some more seconds until you decide to turn around, moving away from him hugging you. You look down and see all of your hair laying across the floor. You didn't notice it before, you were too busy with yourself. You lean forward to pick a strand of your hair up and just stare at it, wondering why he did it.

Yoongi pats your shoulder. "Don't worry, babygirl. You look beautiful." You let the hair fall back on the floor and mumble: "You didn't have to cut it, though..." He laughs amused. "Oh yes, I had to."

"I'm going to take a shower now, remove that hair meanwhile.", he says to you, now disappearing into the bathroom. You sigh annoyed and exhausted. You start to seek a vacuum cleaner, but can't find one in his apartment. You have two options now: Number one, wait for Yoongi to come out again and explain that you didn't have a vacuum cleaner, making him angry or number two, go out and look for one outside of the apartment, which would also make him angry.

Ugh, no matter what you do now, Yoongi would be mad. So you choose option two, because you have no desire in sitting down and waiting for him to nag at you. You grab one of his hoodies to hide your forearm and a second before you open the apartment door, you hesitate. Should you really do it? Fuck it. He couldn't hurt you even more.

You peek out of the door and look left and right. No one. You leave the apartment and walk down the corridor, thinking about where a vacuum cleaner could be. Then all of a sudden the door next to you opens. 


You look to your right and see the owner of the voice. "Jungkook?", you ask quietly. You look at his confused, slightly worried, face. "What happened to your hair?", he asks. You touch your hair, remembering that it is now short. "Oh, you know, I felt like it and wanted a refreshing haircut, haha.", you laugh awkwardly at the end. "Are you sure? I mean, you only left the practice two hours ago, did you decide to get a new haircut that fast?"

You prevent your eyes from widening and answer quickly: "Oh well, it was pretty spontaneous.", scratching the back of your head. He tilts his head. "And what does Yoongi think of it?", he asks. "Oh, he loves it.", you quickly reply, mentally laughing, because it wasn't even a lie. He gives you a comforting, yet worried smile and doesn't say anything.

"You know, where I can get a vacuum cleaner?", you ask to break the awkward silence. "Uhh, the storeroom is over there.", he answers, pointing towards a plain door. "Thanks.", you just say and walk away, leaving him standing there. You reach the door and open it. You walk in and it was just a casual storeroom. You close the door behind you. You fall on your knees and just start to cry. All the emotions from the last days just hit you at once. Tears shatter on the cold floor and you sob loudly. 

Why didn't you tell Jungkook? Why didn't your take your chance? You even protected Yoongi in front of him. You could have just left, escaping this nightmare...

You pull yourself together again and get up, wiping your tears away. You take the vacuum cleaner and leave the storeroom again, walking back towards Yoongi's apartment. You can still run away, but you have to be fast...

Your feet keep leading you towards Yoongi's room. 'What are you even doing? Run (Y/N)', you think, until you reach his apartment, opening the door. You come in and still hear the shower water running. You plug the vacuum cleaner in and start to clean the mess up. 

When you are done you turn the vacuum off and sit down on the bed waiting for Yoongi. The water stops and he comes out of the bathroom. "Sorry, I forgot to give you a vacuu--", he suddenly stops talking and moving, when he sees the vacuum cleaner near the door. He now focuses his eyes on you. He starts to creep towards you. The water dripping down on the floor from his hair.

Yoongi grabs you by your throat. "Where did you get that from?", he growls. You let out a groan, due to him slightly choking you. "s-storeroom.", is everything you are able to say. He tightens his grip. "You went out by yourself?!" You try to answer, but you just can't, almost unable to breath. "Are you allowed to go out without me?!", he growls angrily. You shake your head slightly, making it hurt even more. 

He lets go of you and you search for air, breathing heavily. "What the fuck, did you think?", he adds. As you are able to breath normally again you answer: "I just did what you fucking told me to. But if I also get punished for doing what you tell me, I don't have to listen to you."

He suddenly wears a smug smirk and replies while taking hold of your chin: "You really want to play that game? Okay, then misbehave from now on and you'll see what you get." You just roll your eyes at his statement. "Yoongi, you know what? I just could have ran away, because you were too dumb to lock the door. But I didn't. I came back. I didn't even try to run."

"Aww babygirl, you're so naive. Running is no solution, I'd find you, no matter where you go or where you hide~"

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