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Fae's P.O.V.

I shut my locker and took a breath before turning around to face the other students. They thought they were sly by taking side glance at me, the girls glaring at me to no end. I clutched my books closer to me and walked down the hall not caring about what others people thought. They all meant nothing, nothing to me. I had never cared to develop a relationship with anyone of them, enough so that I barely knew anyone's name. I kept my eyes straight even when a girl passed by me whispering 'slut'.

I knew that rumors were going to circulate after Hayden came back, I had disappeared for days, and then suddenly both of us were back at school together. That and the fact that Hayden pushed me earlier to let him drive me to school instead of Viv. I hadn't seen Vivian since I got back to Hayden's house yesterday. I was going to go see her, but after watching Hayden sleeping on the coach peacefully, I didn't want to wake him, so I decided I would make amends today at school.


My hands hit the overpass concreate first, before my knees. I looked up to see a blonde girl walking briskly away with a smirk over her shoulder as she glimpsed at me. Then mouthed "whore.", before flinging her long locks over her shoulder. I stood up picking up my books and brushed off the dirt on my knees. My hands stung from the scrapes caused by concrete digging into my palms. I brushed it off, it didn't matter, nothing mattered anymore. I felt numb inside, feeling nothing. Why? Why couldn't I feel hatred towards these girls, why did I feel like I deserved this?

Crossing the outside overpass, I walked to French class, Hayden's blonde hair caught my eyes, messy but in a sexy way. I returned his smile and went to my seat towards the back of the classroom. I saw Vivian who was absorbed in her phone, not looking up at me. I tried to get her attention, but it was like she refused to look at me. What was happening today?

Class went by fast, as I took a quiz then worked on endless assignments. The bell rang, and the entire class got up. Hayden waved to me as he headed to his next class. I beelined for Vivian, throwing my backpack over my shoulder. "Vivian!" I murmured quietly.

She didn't turn around. I didn't understand what was wrong. I lopped around her until I faced her. She avoided my eyes looking down. "What's wrong. Viv?" I watched anger flare in her eyes.

She laughed. "You're asking me what's wrong? Bitch you know what's wrong. You act all sweet and quiet, but it was all a cover over that monster you are."

My eyes widened, I was beyond confused, what had happened? I felt like the ground quaked underneath my feet.

"Playing with our friendship, you really don't care do you. I tried to help you and do as much as I could, but I can't play your twisted game of a life anymore. I...I can't be you friend anymore. Your toxic and bringing it into my life. I do not want you near me or my family anymore. Your mother tried to fucking get near my father. He had enough respect for himself and pushed her away. Like mother like daughter, both whores, sluts, desperate for love. Now you're with Hayden. You know what's even funnier. I tried to protect you from Hayden. It should be the other way around; Hayden needs protection for you. Stay away from me and tell your mother to fuck off." She said before brushing past me with her shoulder hitting mine, so I stumbled back a few steps.

I stood in the empty room, running her words through my mind. My mother...tried to get in bed with Mr. Holt? Mom's last words burned in my head.

"I don't want your fucking help, your useless bitch. Get out... get the fuck out. I will ruin your life, like how you ruined mine. I wished I killed you before you were even born. I rather die than have you help me!"

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