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Hayden's P.O.V.

I sat in my room on the edge of the bed, my head hanging between my shoulders, with my elbows on my knees. I cringed when I heard another crash coming from downstairs. I turned to look behind me, finding Noah still in a deep sleep. He hadn't flinched from all the noise downstairs.

Asher stood with his eyes closed leaning against the closed door, his arms crossed over his chest, his jaw clenched and body frame tense. "Fuck." He whispered.

I looked again at the space again between my feet and only hoped the house was not a disaster. Mom returned first, with Noah in tow, who looked like he hadn't slept for days. Dad followed in suit after a few hours. They started their usual curses and screaming, so I brought Noah, who was terrified, to my room. Barely able to put him to sleep without Asher's help of promising a brand-new toy.

It now had been two hours since they had been going off on each other. I wanted to leave and never come back, but I couldn't leave Asher and Noah. I jerked when I heard the front door slam close. I stood up, done with this bullshit, and headed down stars.

I watched Mom sitting at the kitchen island with her head held in her hands.

"I hate your father." She cried out softly.

I didn't feel anything for her. I couldn't feel anything for her.

"I just wanted us to be together. Your father wants to bring that slut of a girl to the gala. He refuses to even look like a family anymore. He...he says he'll divorce me."

I stood still as her tears came in sobs.

Fae's P.O.V.

I stood watching the house. It looked worse than the last time I has seen it. Overgrown weeds and grass blocked the pathway and entrance of the house. Car tire marks over the dirt and scattered over the tight driveway. The paint was practically chipped off from the cold crisp November air. December was coming, along with snow storms and endless nights of shoveling. I looked at the trash and beer bottles that littered the ground.

This is where I belonged. Not sleeping in silk sheets, lounging in Jacuzzi's, certainly not liked by Hayden.

I did not deserve him, or his happiness, his laughter, the moments we shared. I was nothing, I have nothing, and never would. This house represented where I came from, far from the world he lived and breathed in. My feet moved forward before I could stop myself.

I slowly opened the broken door, it creaked open and shifted on its hinges. I took a small step inside and slipped immediately. I barely caught myself on a counter before I fell to the ground. The house was dim. The windows boarded up and closed off to the natural light. I squinted as I stepped around the huge puddles of glass and alcohol. I pinched my nose at the horrendous smell.

My body tensed when I heard the soft whimpering. I moved from the dirty kitchen to the living room.

She was lying on the sofa, cradling a stabbed arm. Blood everywhere. All over the sofa. The smell of metal and rust hit my nose, causing me to reflexively gag.

I dropped my backpack and ran over to her. I couldn't see where the blood was coming from. "Mom?" I called out quietly.

"Help me." She whimpered.

"Mom? What happened?!" I felt panic take over. Did she hurt herself? Did someone hurt her? I crouched falling to my knees, answered by the sharp glass seeping through my jeans, jagging into the skin.

I wasn't bothered by the pain. I took a breath and wiped my hand over her forearm, clearing the blood, trying to find the cut. More just kept seeping out. I jumped up, to the kitchen. I thrusted open cabinets, searching for a cloth. When I couldn't find one, I went to my back pack and pulled out a clean jersey. I went to her and wrapped the shirt around her frail arm.

"Fae." She whispered before knocking out.

"Mom! Please wake up. Mom?" I shook her lightly trying to wipe the blood away from her face and body.

"Fae. What a pretty name."

I whipped my head around, my eyes falling on a bulky man, with dark eyes and black hair. Who looked like he was in his 40s. I stood up blocking Mom.

"I suggest you move, or you're going to end up looking like her."

"What do you want from her?" I said sharply.

"A pretty face, but not such a pretty mouth. I don't mind breaking it." He said cracking his knuckles.

My eyes widened as he took a step forward, I thrusted my hands forward trying to push him away from Mom. He didn't budge instead grabbed my wrist and slammed me into the wall. I hit my back, before sliding to the ground. Before I could catch my breath, he grabbed my neck and lifted me off the ground, squeezing my neck.

"Your lovely mother needs to back her shit out or the others and I will kill her. Tell her I want the money soon, or else." He screamed.

I nodded, my throat burning from the lack of air. I flailed my legs around. My hands covering his hug ones wrapped around my neck, trying to pry them off. When he loosened his grasp, I thought he was going to let me go. Instead he flung me against other side of the wall. My face hit the wall and I whimpered in pain, as my cheek collided with the hard wood.

I heard the front door slam shut. I slowly picked up my broken self and went to the door, trying to lock it.

Then slumped to the ground.

What happened? What had mom done? I let my head drop into my palms. This was because I left her all on her own. This was all because of me.

I needed to get her out of whatever mess she had created. I had been doing great, my life felt like it was coming together. Hayden. I had Hayden. God, I want him to hold me right now. I pulled my face out of palms and glanced at the broken mirror on the wall.

My right cheek was already bruising and swollen. My neck imprinted with finger marks. Not considering the glass that littered my body and knees. He can't see me like this. He'll just want to fix me. I choked out a cry. This was who I am, I could never escape it. No matter how hard I tried. I wasn't as wealthy and simple as Vivian, nor as pure as Hayden. I was tainted and broken.

I literally cried while writing this chapter. Twists are coming up. What's happening to Fae and Hayden? Just when they thought they had their lives together, it all falls apart all over again. More sadness, sin and seduction to come...


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