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Fae's P.O.V. 

I moved, the sunlight hitting my face. Opening my eyes I sat up. The realization hit me. I was in Hayden's room. I remembered what happened last night, with Ehtan and getting drunk. 

Hayden and I kissed last night.

I moved my fingers, so they touched my lips. I kissed him back, what was I doing? It was never going to work. I sighed, I would have to tell him today that being friends is not an option.

I went to the bathroom and put a dot of toothpaste on my fingertip and brushed my teeth. Then attempted to fix my hair, I put it up in a pony tail. I pulled off Hayden's shirt, that smelled like him, and threw it in the laundry. I pulled the crop top and skirt back on. Then to cover up a little bit I found a gray hoodie in his drawer and pulled it on top. Then walked down stairs holding my shoes.

Where was Hayden? I rounded the corner and heard noise from the kitchen. "Hayden?" I saw the guy that I had seen in the hallway at school and at his house the other day.

"Hayden's not here." He said looking at me then flipped a pancake. He looked similar to Hayden but was more muscular and looked older with dark hair. He looked me up and down and smirked. I could feel heat rising to my cheeks. He was drop dead gorgeous with long messy hair and in a fitted black t-shirt and black jeans. He had slightly bronzed skin and looked like he came off of a magazine cover. 

"Fun night angel?" He asked.

Before I could say anything, he spoke, "Well a free meal isn't included with the sex. Now be a good little girl and get the fuck out of here. Hayden left because he probably doesn't want to see your face. You're just going to be added to the list of his fucks. Don't worry he doesn't have feelings for you if he led you on. He will find a new play toy soon enough."

My breath caught. I felt angry and hurt at the same time. I thought back to the girls that were throwing themselves on him at the party last night. Why was I so upset, we were just friends and shared a few kisses? We were nothing.

"You're a pretty girl, you'll move on quickly. Though you looked like not his type. He prefers blondes and curves". He grinned laughing.

I couldn't control myself. I moved my hand across his face, striking him hard. My eyes widened at what I had just done. I backed away quickly. 

"Guess he liked the feistiness." He laughed.

I could feel the tears brimming my eyes. I turned around and walked out. I went back to Vivian's. I found a note in the kitchen as soon as I walked into the kitchen.

Chad's. Then having lunch with Lauren. Text me if you want to come! :)

I was grateful that she wasn't here. I pulled of the sweat shirt off, throwing it away, and sank to the ground. Leaning against the counter I tucked my knees to me, and let the tears fall. Why was I getting so upset?

After an hour I stopped crying and went upstairs, I changed into my comfortable clothes, and pulled myself together. I did my laundry and washed Vivian's clothing. I cleaned the house and washed the dishes. Then I pulled out my textbooks. The doorbell rang.

My heart skipped a beat. I peered outside and saw Hayden standing outside. He kept ringing the doorbell then started knocking on the door. I looked at my phone Vivian was not going to be here for at least another couple hours. So, I put in my headphones in and finished up my homework, ignoring the constant ringing.

Hayden's P.O.V.

I woke up early, I got dressed really quickly throwing on jeans and a hoodie. I fucking hated Asher, I don't know what he said to Fae but she won't talk to me. I shouldn't have left, but I needed to pick up Noah from the nanny.

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