Chapter 9: Cut A Bitch.

Start from the beginning

Lily threw her arms around me bringing me in for a hug. I returned it. Nothing was said which I was grateful for. This girl knew me better than anyone in this world, apart from my dad and Miles. 

"If I was into guys I would definitely jump everyone's bones in this gang, they are total man candy but I prefer lady parts" I couldn't hold back my laughter. She and Oliver have no filter, which is why they get on so much.

"Well I best start looking for a dress if you're wanting me to come with you, I'll tell Brooke. You know, you should get a taste of Oliver. He's easy on the eyes and probably a pro" She stood up from her bed to grab her laptop. Probably dress shopping.

"Oliver has probably slept with the entire girl population in Canada" I grimaced.

"Says the girl who slept with and had West's baby? I think you should go for it" I stood up to head to my off, I needed to sort out flights to England and find a place for us all to stay. I plan on staying for a few days. I swung the door open ready to leave.

"Just don't fuck him in the kitchen, okay, or I won't hesitate to kill you" I picked up one of her pillows that were laid on the chair in the corner of the room that was a bright awful sparkly pink. I hurled it towards her hitting her straight in the face. I didn't stay because she surely would murder me so I ran straight out of there but I face planted somebody, making us both stumble to the floor.

We both made a groaning noise, there I was laying on top of Oliver who was trying to rub his back. He gazed up at me with his deep grey eyes and smirked.

"I usually like being the one on top but who am I to say no to you Hope" I hit his chest as he chuckled, I could feel his abs hardening turning me on a little. I scrambled up to my feet leaving him on the floor to continue laughing.

"You wish Hunt" He stood to his feet, his face not far from mine. I could feel his minty breath hitting my face lightly.

"I think we both do" He purred making me clench my thighs together.

His lips brushed against my ear and I could feel him smirk against my skin before he nipped my ear.

"I can make you feel so good, all you have to do is say the words and I'll be happy to oblige" I felt his lips kiss my skin just below my ear making me shut my eyes. He started to nip and such probably leaving a love bite on my neck. 

I felt him kiss my neck once more before stepping back and winking before leaving me hot and bothered in the hallway as I watched him retreat back into his room.

"What a dick" I whispered to myself. After a few more minutes, waiting for my hormones to die down I went to my office closing the door behind me harshly.

"¿Qué te hizo esa puerta?" (What did that door ever do to you?)

There was Jace sat at my desk with an amused smile on his face. "I don't have a clue what you just said" I muttered before walking over to him and sitting on the desk next to him.

"I think its time for you to learn some Spanish, then we can have our own conversations without anyone else know what we just said" He grinned.

"Maybe that's not a bad idea, we can have wild, crazy Spanish sex" I winked making him grin more.

"I like this new you, not that I didn't like the old Hope back in school" I sat on his lap whilst he snaked his arm around my waist giving my hip a little pinch.

Jace was really handsome. Well, they all were but he had a lot of respect for women.

"I need you to tell me about Ashton" He nodded his head before asking me what I want to know.

"Firstly I need to know what he looks like so I can keep a lookout when I go to this ball on Saturday"

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and started searching for what I presumed was a picture of him. Jace handed me my phone and that's when I saw him. I knew I recognized his name from somewhere.

"That bastard"

"You recognize him now?" Jace asked me, his eyebrow arching up a little.

"Yes I do, wait till I get my hands on him" The door to my office opened and in walked a happy Caleb but his face soon changed into a scowl once he noticed me sitting on Jace's lap. He swore under his breath and left the room. Jace and I looked over at each other before I jumped onto my feet and ran after him. 

I caught up to him just before he could slam his bedroom door in my face.

"What wrong with you?" I asked. I entered his room to be pushed harshly against the wall.
What is it with everyone and walls these days?

Caleb slammed his lips onto mine aggressively, his hands cupped my bum lifting me up. My legs wrapped around his waist. I could feel his dick hardening against me making me moan in delight. He threw me onto his bed and yanked his pants off in a flash, his eyes never leaving my blue ones. off before stalking towards me.

"I'm going to bend you over every single piece of this furniture until you can't stand." 

He did just that for the rest of the night.

He did just that for the rest of the night

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Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Still trying to figure out who she's going to end up with for good, but we still have to meet the rest of the possible love interests.

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