"Alright. This is a simple in and out mission. We just need to get the intel from the base, and then we can all go home. Casualties are not a problem. Do whatever you need to get that hard drive. Now, move out."

I nodded simply, and pulled out my gun, making sure it was loaded and that the safety was off. After making it inside, I pulled out my map, and began looking for where the secured room was. A hand grasped my shoulder, and I whipped around, my gun aiming at none other than Bucky Barnes face. He raised his hands in mock surrender, a smirk playing at his lips. "You really gonna shoot me, doll?"

I scoffed and pulled the gun away before starting to walk away. "I wish I could."

"Doll, come on..." Bucky sighed and walked after me. "Can we talk?"

"My name is Y/N, not doll." I turned around and glared at him. "There, we talked."

"We need to talk about what happened a few days ago." His smirk faded away, and concern filled his eyes. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Well... you did, Barnes." I shook my head slowly. "You made me feel worthless, as if I didn't deserve a place on the team, or as if I didn't deserve to be anywhere. I don't know what the hell your problem is, but I think it would be better if you left me alone." I walked away, unintentionally exposing myself to HYDRA guards only twenty feet away.


"That's enough, Buck-" My words were caught in my throat as a bullet shot straight into my shoulder. I turned my head to look at Bucky, his eyes wide and mouth open in shock. Before I could say another word, another bullet lodged into the same shoulder and my body slowly fell to the ground.

I could feel the blood soaking through my uniform, and I began to shake as I realized that this could be the end for me. Blurred figures and fuzzy voices were all I could make out, and a few moments later, gun shots began to fire. A familiar face entered my vision and I realized it was Bucky.

"Don't close your eyes, Y/N." HIs voice seemed urgent as he pulled strips from his shirt to press as a bandage against my wound. "We're gonna get you out of here, just stay with me."

"Y-You were right, Buck." I managed to speak, as blood bubbled on my lips and I stared up at him through glassy eyes. "Maybe I was t-too ignorant to learn."

"This is not your fault." Bucky shook his head quickly, as he continued to put pressure on the wound. "You're not going to die. Just stay awake."

"Mm..." I slurred as I felt darkness lulling me to fall asleep.


His voice began to slow down, and darkness crept into my vision. I smiled weakly at him once more, before saying. "I'm s-sorry."

My world went black, and I didn't know if I'd ever see the light again.
The next thing I knew, my eyes were slowly starting to flutter open. I looked around the room and realized that I was in a small hospital bed. I was back at the base. I turned too quickly, and winced as I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder.

A bandage was wrapped around my shoulder, holding a pad in place to protect the wound from infection. I leaned back against the pillow, and looked to the door.

Bucky was leaning against the doorway, his arms crossed against his chest. Dark circles were forming under his eyes and his hair was a mess. A small smile pulled at his lips. "You're awake."

"W-What happened?" I asked softly, and gestured toward the chair. He walked over and sat down, his eyes never leaving me.

"You were shot. Twice." Bucky gulped, as if trying to compose himself. "You blacked out, but we were able to get you back in time to save your life. Both of the bullets are out, and now it's only time that will help with recovery."

"You look exhausted." I said, as I took in his appearance.

"I couldn't sleep knowing that your life was on the line." My heart jumped slightly at his words, and I smiled softly as his hand touched mine. "It was my fucking fault."

"No, it wasn't." I shake my head.

"Yes, it was. Or else you wouldn't have walked away, right into HYDRA's trap."

"They would've been waiting there anyway." I squeezed his hand gently, and kept my gaze locked with his. "There is nothing you could've done."

He sighed shakily before looking back at me. "I'm sorry. For everything."

"I forgive you..." I smile.

"I have a hard time with feelings, ever since... HYDRA." Bucky looked away. "And I really like you. But I thought it would be better to push you away, out of harms way. Clearly that didn't work."

"Bucky..." I leaned closer, and touched my hand against his face. He looked up, his eyes sparkling with emotion. "You could have just told me. "

"I was doubtful you felt the same way." He shrugged.

"But I do." I let out a small laugh. "All this time, I thought you hated me."

"Far from it, doll. " Bucky smiled genuinly, before moving closer so our faces were inches apart. "From now on... I only want to do this together, not separate. But only if that's what you want."

"Of course..." I leaned in and kissed him gently. After a few moments, we pull away and lean our foreheads together. "Only ever together. "

Bucky Barnes imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now