Chapter 6: Mafia.

Start from the beginning


"Hey beautiful, want a bite?" his words came out muffled a little making me cringe. "No thanks"

"Suit yourself" He shoved the full slice into his mouth.

"So you wanted to see me?" I sat next to him and Oliver who was just typing away on his phone, chuckling every now and again.

"Oh yeah, I found some of the men who ambushed us. No sign or West though so I thought..."

"Get your guns" I stood up quickly and took Oliver's phone making him whine like a girl.

"Oliver I need you to find Brooke, you Caleb, Lily and her are coming with me" I left the room to get ready and find my gun.

"yes, boss" They both shouted.


"So this is where they are?" I looked out of the misty window to see an old run-down pub. Some of the bricks were slowly crumbling away, wood was nailed over the shattered glass windows and the sign was hanging off.

"They probably thought this would be the best place to hide out" He shrugged his shoulders as I rolled my eyes.

"You might find a brain back there if you carry on rolling your eyes" Caleb added making me smack him across the head gaining a few laughs from everyone in the car.

"Did that hurt?" Lily asked with a wide grin on her face.

"No" He mumbled. So Lily slapped him again in the same place.

"Damn it, woman, no need for violence" He moaned as he rubbed his head.

"Alright, let's go" We all got out of the car, our guns in our hands ready to shoot anyone who will try and stop us. As I made it to the door I kicked it with all my strength sending it flying against a wall, just missing a man's head. Before he could aim his gun at me I shot him straight through his head.

Shouting started coming from inside the room signaling there were quite a few in there. As I stepped in I noticed four people sat down, a familiar face was looking right at me with a cocky smile.

"Deal with three, he is mine" I pointed to the man I don't particularly like. Gunshots started to go off, the sound of bones cracking was music to my ears.


"Perry" Once I was close enough to him I booted his chair making him fall backward onto the floor, his head hitting against the cracked wall.

"Bitch" He yelled. I smirked.

Grabbing his collar I tugged him up pinning him against the wall. "I'm having deja vu. Please come up with a better insult." I rammed my knee into his stomach making him moan in pain.

"Now tell me, where is West?" I asked calmly. Perry looked straight into my eyes before smirking.

"What makes you think I'm going to tell you, now why don't you take up my offer from over a year ago. Lets fuck, you've become sexier. West told me how good in bed you were. Lets put it to the test" He purred. His hand trailed up my waist.

"Wrong answer" My hand clutched onto his before bending it back till I heard a bone snap. His howling in pain filled the room. My gang members were just stood there with impressed looks on their faces as they watched the show before them.

"Now I will ask one more time Perry if you know what's good for you-you'll answer me or next time I will do more than break a bone" I shoved him harder against the wall making him glance at me.

"Where is West?"

"You know I hope you enjoyed your time with your daughter"

"What do you fucking mean by that?" I shouted.

"West will find you both and he will take her away from you so you'll never see her again. Oh you have no idea what he has planned for you"

"Fuck you" I pointed my gun against his head, shotting between his eyes making him drop to the floor. I felt his blood splat on my face but I didn't care, I needed to go and see my daughter.

"Oliver call my dad, tell him to keep Mila with him till I get there."

Your dead West.

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