Chapter 33: Mate or not

Start from the beginning

"Stop now! This isn't you" I coughed. She didn't seem to understand nor care since she wasn't in control anymore. 

"S-sorry" she croaked. I sighed only for her to tug on my scarf making me fall over beside on the ground. She looks down at me tilting her head to the side. Damn, why is she so cute, even in heat. 

"(Y/n), stay there--" 

Nope, she hopes on top of me. Sitting perched on my waist, feeling her hot desire lapping in between her thighs. 

Oh no. My body, my pants are becoming tight! To tight! Shit! Stupid body. 

She rolled her hips the friction making me hiss in unwanted but tempting pleasure. 

"D-don't move--argh!" I bit my lip before she pushes me down hard. My bareback making contact with the cold floor. Her chest brushes against mine making me hot and bothered such soft breasts. 

I shook my head. 

"No I can't this is wrong." 

"(Y/n)! S-stop--hey! Quit it!" 

Ignoring me, claws at my pants, struggling to clip off the belt. More like trying to rip them off. I stop her but my scarf slips off her chest. My eyes don't dare try to look away only making it harder since she wasn't going down without a fight. 

She licks my neck again while rocking her hips against mine. I choked my breath knocking my head back giving her more access to my neck.  Shit...this is too good. I have to stop before I lose it. 

"(Y/n)! Stop n-now" I grasped her bare hips, eager to get her off,  my own hands roughly trying to peel her off. She rolled even harder,  hardening at her moments, I keened throwing my head back. 

"No this is wrong! I won't let her do this to herself! I don't want to be her first. Wait. She only needs to be satisfied. Maybe there is something I can do," Holding her hips still, 

"That won't involve her losing her innocence." 

I nodded finally agreeing with something, I won't regret it. I smirked sitting up slightly. 

"(Y/n), little kitten, you've been naughty now, naughty kittens need to be taught a lesson" Wow, didn't know I could have such a deep and husky voice. 

Well, it worked, a blush stroked her face. I flip her over lifting her up onto the bed. Me hovering over her. 

"Damn you, old lady. I knew you would do this to me!" 

I kissed her neck and bite down softly making her let out a mewling kitten meow moan. Her tail swished in bliss, her ear batted down on her head, only doubling her cute appearance. I gazed down, staring lustfully into the dusted (e/c) orbs. I swallowed again, no second chances on this. 

It's just me...

"This is crazy" 

I ghosted my lips above her's. 

"This is insane" 

And her now...

I kissed her tender plump lips. My heart jolted a million times faster. Enjoying her taste. Man, I'm losing it. Why I am this doing even?  

"A-ahh! Ai-Aizawa Sensei!" she breathed arching her chest into mine. Breaking point at the contact, I pushed my inner beast down before speaking again. 

"Listen now (Y/n)..." I ran one of my slender fingers down in between her big luscious plumps of flesh down caressing her stomach softly like flour. Making her mewl wanting more. A small smirk tugs on my lips. 

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