25. Stubborn bastard

Start from the beginning


The doors opening startled me back into reality from that horrible place in my brain that I still think about to this day... All the fucking time...

"Sweetheart, are you alright?" Leo asked after the family had left.
He bent down in front of me, his eyes deepening with worry as he cautiously wrapped his hands around my jaw forcing me to look him in the eye.

"I'm fine," I managed to say without my voice cracking.

"Eathy..." Leo murmured comfortingly as he noticed my lip quivering.

I blinked back the tears, refusing to cry in a fucking elevator; not to mention, in front of Leo. "I'm fine, babe. Really. I was just..." I trailed off, taking a deep, shaky breath.

"You were what?" Leo asked gently; sliding his thumb over my bottom lip, silencing the quiver.

"I was just...remembering some really depressing shit," I said with a forced, humorless laugh.

"Well, goddamn, Eathy. I dragged, well wheeled, you out of that damn room to cheer you up, and you keep trying to depress yourself again," Leo remarked as he swiftly rose.

He hit the button to open the door, then stepped around to the back of my chair and pushed me out the open door; a new look of determination in his eyes.

"Where are we going?" I asked, genuinely curious after he pushed me right past the waiting room.

"To my car. Then after that, its a surprise," he replied simply, though I could hear the smug smile on his face.

"Leonard, you know I hate surprises with every fiber of my being," I complained.

"Well, too bad."


"Quick question?" Leo asked, suddenly interrupting our game of 'Guess the classic rock artist and the name of the song.'

"Is it song related?" I questioned with a smirk.

Leo rolled his eyes at the windshield, then answered with a laugh, "No. It's actually movie related."

"Why is the subject of movies suddenly important?" I questioned, stubbornly refusing to answer his question.

"Because. It just is," he answered slyly.

"That's not an acceptable answer, Leonard," I retorted, changing the station when a song I'm not a fan of came on.

"Can you just answer the damn question you stubborn bastard?" Leo sighed with a smirk.

I stopped flipping the stations when a song I love came on, and I purposefully ignored his question knowing it would piss him off. "I heard about a girl, buried her dolls, and lost her curls!" I sang at the top of lungs; feeling an electric spark of happiness buzzing through my veins not only from Leo but from my favorite song "Smoke Filled Room," by Mako.

"Ethan... Answer the damn question, or I will turn the radio off," Leo threatened.

"Which one?" I retorted, sending a smug smirk at Leo.

He sighed and did exactly what he what said he was gonna do: turn the radio off.

ORIGINAL:The Boy With A Touch Of Cancer(BxB)Where stories live. Discover now