14. Kiss me...?

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"What the hell!" I huffed at mom as she came into the living room and paused my movie.

"It's 2:30," she responded pointedly as if I had a clue what she was talking about.

"Okay... But why are you telling me?" I asked puzzled.

Mom sighed heavily, mildly exasperated. "Because Ethan, support group is in half an hour, and you need to get ready for it."

Crap... I forgot.

"I don't feel like going." I shrugged and yanked my blanket up higher, snuggling into the couch.

"Ethan, you haven't left this house in over a week. Dr. K gave you the okay to leave 3 days ago," she reminded.

I was well aware of when I could leave my protective isolation -which basically meant, I had to stay in the house, so I wouldn't get sick again.

I could have gone to school, or simply left the house 3 days ago -as she said- but I've chosen not too, complaining of fatigue or pain, when in actuality, it was something else...
It was the one and only thing...well, person, that I haven't been able to stop thinking about for over a week that was keeping me, prisoner.
A certain dark-haired, hazy blue-eyed, makeup wearing someone that has not only kept me physically prisoner from fear of seeing him but mentally as I literally cannot stop thinking about him.

"Please don't make me go," I whined.

She straightened her spine and dug her hand into her hip, a look filling her eyes that told me this wasn't up for discussion. "Ethan, I know you feel completely fine, so you can't use that excuse again. You're not running a fever. And if you had a headache you wouldn't be watching The Avengers."

I opened my mouth to argue with her, then snapped it shut as she had a point. She and I both knew I felt fine. "Fine, I'll go!" I groaned.

"Good. Now, go get ready," mom replied smugly.

I wasn't happy about mom making me go to support group.
The group itself, I didn't mind, it was the whole 'seeing Leo thing' that was my problem. We hadn't even talked since he kissed me, nor have I -obviously- seen him since then.

And I didn't think I was ready to see him now...or ever.


"You ready to go, bud?" dad asked as I came down the stairs.

"Uh, yeah. I guess," I replied.

"Alright, well, let's get going. I'm gonna drop you off, then go to the store while I'm waiting." Dad grabbed his keys and shoved his feet into a pair of flip-flops.

"I'm cool with that as long as you pick me back up." I sent him a smug smirk and crossed my arms over my chest.

Dad rolled his eyes and said, "Oh, come on, that was one time."

"Yeah, it was only one time, but you were gone for so long Jeff had to drive me home."

"You better watch out, or I might just leave your ass there again." Dad returned the smirk and sent me a "warning" look.

"I'm sure," I replied sarcastically as he and I both knew that wasn't true.

"What's with the outfit?" Drew interjected, a smirk pulling at his lips as he leaned against the kitchen counter.

ORIGINAL:The Boy With A Touch Of Cancer(BxB)Where stories live. Discover now