I look over to find a boney bitch sprawled on her stomach. The thin cream colored sheet barely covering her ass, exposing her bare, pale back. Her long dark wavy hair is messy and spread across her shoulder blades and the pillow. I don' even know the bitches name.

I slowly pull myself out of bed before slowly making my way across the dirty motel room and into the bathroom. I press my palms down on the dirty stained sink, leaning my weight against it. Looking at my reflection in the large dirty cracked mirror in front of me. My short dirt hair is disheveled and sticking up in different directions, some pieces stuck to my forehead from sweat that has long ago dried, my red blood shot eyes and flushed cheeks just serve as a reminder of last night's events.

I return to my full height with a groan, picking up the large ziplock bag full of pill bottles from the counter. I pull out one random pill bottle before popping a couple small white pills in my mouth and chasing them down with what's left in a half full bottle of an open beer that's sitting on the sink counter. That's when I notice a small piece of paper laying on the counter next to the sink where the beer bottle was.

It's a note written in my brother's shitty handwriting. I open it up and read it.

Had to go do something.
Be back.

I crumple the paper in my large hand and toss it in the sink, sighing. I turn to the grimy tub behind me , turning on the shower. Since I'm still naked from the night before, I step inside.

❤Daryl's POV

I can't stop thinkin' bout Josie. She even has been in my dreams. I have to see 'er. That's why I'm now sitting in my truck outside the hospital where she works.

I watch as she stands outside the sliding doors for the main entrance. A man in green scrubs is standing in front of her, her back is to me. My hands shake as my entire body fills with anger, hurt, and jealousy. I fight the urge to go up to them and stomp his ass.

I continue to watch as they laugh and talk. Josie nods her head "yes" earning a big stupid grin from the ass in front of 'er. When Josie places a kiss on his cheek, I can't watch any longer. I quickly start my truck, it loudly roars to life, and quickly drive away, not looking back. Leavin' my wife 'n heart behind.

She's moved on and don't need me. Fuck it, all I need is ma brother.

❤Josie's POV

I was trying to go on my lunch break when Finn, a surgeon, stops me outside the doors and starts a conversation with me. He asks me out again for the 10th time. I'm not exaggerating. After turning him down with lame excuses every time, I decided to say yes in the hopes he'll back off.

It's not that he isn't attractive, because he definitely is drool worthy with his 6ft tall well built muscular tan frame, hazel eyes and short wavy dirty blonde hair. He's smart, sweet, and funny. He's the total package, I'm just not ready to have another man in my life. I'm still hoping Daryl will come home.

I know, wishful thinking but even after 2 years, Daryl Dixon still holds my heart.

He may not love me anymore but I will always love him.


I stand near the door of the noisy classroom watching my 5 year old little girl sits on the floor in the back corner helping a small brown haired boy build a tower with multicolored wooden blocks. Her dark brown hair is still in the pigtails from this morning, her pink dress that is now stained with paint and dirt is spread across her thighs as she sits on her knees laughing and talking animatedly.

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