Dirt Road Diary

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Chapter 29- I guess Love Just Ain't Enough

Dear Diary:

My heart was shattered in a matter of minutes. Girl's night was cut short when I watched Daryl take some blonde whore home with him. How could I be so stupid to trust a Dixon with my heart? All I did was love him. I guess love just ain't enough. My life has done a complete 360. I'm going to try to get some sleep.


*Josie's POV*

It has been 2 weeks since the night ay the bar. I haven't spoken to Daryl since. My body is on autopilot,  shower, work, come home, then cry myself to sleep just so I can do it again the next day.  I barely eat or sleep and I don't speak to anyone unless ai have to.

*Daryl's POV*

What have I done?  I can't get'er outta my head. I hurt my gurl. The last 2 weeks have been the most painful of my life.

*Josie's POV*

I'm sitting in my living room alone watching "South Park" in a pair of red pajama pants with white hearts and a white v-neck t-shirt,  my long hair is pulled into a messy bun, my eyes are red and puffy from crying today, my red cheeks are streaked with a trail of dried tears.

The door opens then closes. I don't acknowledge the new presence.  The couch shifts next to me.

There is a soft sigh. "Josie", Alli says softly,"Are you okay?"

Nothing. I just continue to stare at the tv.

Another sigh. "You need to talk to Daryl", she says.

"I have nothing to say to him", I reply, no emotion in my voice.

"He's beating himself up", Alli tells me,"I've even heard him crying in his room."

I just shrug.

"Nothing happened", she tries.

"You saw him leave with that skank", I spat.

"Merle told me that Daryl came home alone that night", she says.

"So...he fucked her at her place", I shrug.

"I really don't think so", she says, "Please, just give him a chance to explain."

I take in a deep breath before letting it out slowly. "Fine", I finally say, standing up.

"Where you going", she asks.

"To change clothes so I can go talk to Daryl", I respond before walking to my bedroom.

I change into a pair of tight light jeans, slip in some white and pink flip flops before grabbing my phone, keys, and bag then walk out the door to my car and drive away.

My mind is swimming with so many emotions and questions as I make the short drive to the Dixon's. I hope Alli's right and Daryl didn't sleep with that whore.

I pull into the driveway, shut off the engine  before stepping out.  Daryl is sitting alone on the tailgate of his truck drinking a beer.  He doesn't look up from the ground when I walk up. I notice the many empty beer cans littering the bed of his truck.

"Why", I ask barely above a whisper.

"Why what", Daryl mutters, slowly raising his head, our red swollen eyes meeting. I can't tell. if his are red from the alcohol or if he had been crying too, maybe both?

"Why did you sleep with her", I ask, hot tears stinging my eyes.

"Don' madder", he slurs,"Ya ain't ma wife."

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