Dirt Road Diary (Daryl & Merle Dixon Pre-Apocalyptic Story)

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Chapter 17- We Rode In Trucks

Dear Diary:

After being attacked by Merle, Daryl has been very protective of me. He barely leaves my side when we are together. I love his protectiveness. Hell, I love him.


*Josie's POV*

Alli and Merle have talked me and Daryl into going to a car show in Atlanta. "Ya' know it's only one nigh'", Daryl says, smirling at my bed coverred in everything I am taking with me.

"I know, but my motto is "You can never be too prepared", I smile while checking over my packing list. Clothes...Check...Pajamas...Check...Toiletries...Check...Makeup...Check, after checking everything off my list, I neatly pack them in my pink suitcase before attempting to zip it up closed. Daryl chuckles while shaking his head as he watches me plop down on the overstuffed suitcase and tug on the zip, zipping it closed. "Finally", I say, jumping off the closed suitcase landing on my feet, blowing a piece of hair out of my face with a triumphant grin on my face.

Daryl shakes his head while grabbing my suitcase and carrying it out to my dad's large Blue F-150 that he let me borrow for the trip. After all of our bags, suitcases, and cooler is loaded in the bed of the truck, I hand Daryl the keys before kissing his cheek, causing a blush to creep onto his face, and climbing into the backseat with Alli while Merle takes shotgun.

"What's up with you and Daryl", Alli whispers while the guys talk loudly in the front seat.

"Nothing", I reply, feeling my cheeks go hot.

"Then why does he keep watching you through the review mirror", she asks, a smile plastered on her face.

"Wha' ya' hens whisperin' bout back there", Merle asks before I can respond to Alli.

Alli and I look at each other and giggle. "Nothing", I say as my eyes connect with Daryl's "Dixon" blues in the rearview mirror. I flash a small smile and wink at Daryl earning a barely noticable smirk to play on his lips causing my heart to race and the butterflies to fly around crazily in my stomach.

Merle begins telling a story while everyone else pretends to listen. I cover my mouth, hiding a giggle, when Daryl glances at me through the rearview mirror, rolling his eyes.

"I need cigarettes...pull in 'ere", Merle says pointing at a small gas station on the right.

"I gotta pee", Alli says before jumping out of the truck and running inside, leaving me and Daryl alone. We sit in silence while Daryl's eyes burn into me through the mirror.

"What", I ask while a smile spreads across my face.

"Wha' were you 'n Alli talkin' bout", he asks, curiousity showing in his eyes.

"She asked what was up with us", I smile.

"Wha' ya' tell 'er", her asks with raised eyebrows.

"Nothing", I shrug.

"Nuthin' huh", he replies.

"Why...is there something", I ask. Before Daryl can respond, Alli and Merle climb back into the truck and we drive off.

*Josie's Thoughts*

What is going on between me and Daryl? Are we just friends? Are we more? Does he want to be more?

"I'm hungry", Alli whines, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Pull in tha' diner", Merle instructs Daryl. Daryl pulls into the parking lot of a small diner, everyone climbs out of the truck. Daryl holds the door for Daryl stares at the menu, holding it up in front of his face. I reach over, gently squeezing Daryl's thigh under the table causing his body to stiffen before relaxing again. I glance over at Daryl from the corner of my eye, a smirk playing on my lips to see Daryl mimicking my actions.

"I'll be right back", Alli says while getting up and walking to the bathroom. I watch as a way too skinny pale middle aged woman with shoulder length red hair and too much makeup appears next to our booth. She is wearing a waitress uniform that is about 2 sizes too small, her small breasts about to fall out the top while her ass cheeks peek out the skirt. She holds a pad in her left hand and a pencil in her right.

"What can I getcha", she asks while popping her gum.

"How bout sum of ya", Merle smirks, smacking her ass causing me, Daryl, and even the waitress to roll our eyes.

"Sorry, I'm not on the menu", she replies earning a giggle from me and chuckle from Daryl.

"Four cokes", I say while Alli returns taking her place next to Merle.

"Are ya'll ready to order", the waitress asks while flashing her yellowing toothy grin at Daryl.

Everyone orders burgers and fries. The waitress writes down our order before disappearing to the kitchen.

When the waitress brings our food, I watch as she shamelessly flirts with Daryl while he ignores her feeble attempts to get his attention. She finally gives up and leaves us to eat.

When she brings the bill, I snatch it from her and quickly pay it before walking into the bathroom. While in the stall, the bathroom door squeaks open immidiately followed by the annoyingly shrill voice of our waitress.

"Oh my god, can you believe that nasty redneck", she complains.

"Which one", an unfamiliar female voice asks.

"The one that grabbed my ass", our waitress responds.

"Oh yeah...the one that thinks he's God's gift to women", the unfamiliar female says.

"Mmmhmm...but that other redneck that is with him is fuckin' hot", our waitress says,"He can fuck me anytime." They both giggle as the exit the bathroom.

I step out of the stall, my cheeks hot with anger as that crack whores words play in my head. "If anyone's gonna fuck Daryl, it's gonna be me", I tell myself as I wash my hands and exit the bathroom. I see through the giant glass window, Merle, Alli, and Daryl standing by the truck with cigarettes in the hands. I quickly walk to the door, shooting a "eat shit" look at our waitress as I walk by, before exiting the diner.

"What's wrong", Alli asks when she sees the pissed off look on my face.

"Nothing", I say flashing my best fake smile as I climb into the truck. The others put out their cigarettes with the toe of the shoes and climb in behind me. Once everyone is in, Daryl pulls out of the parking lot and onto the roads towards Atlanta.

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