Dirt Road Diary

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Chapter 22- You Don't Know Dixon

Dear Diary:

Merle is finally recovered from his dirtbike injury. The last few weeks have been very busy between work and taking care of both Dixon brothers.  I have enjoyed my time with them though.  I've found that even though they are tough on the outside,  they are gentle giants on the inside.  Even Merle. I'm getting up early to go hunting with Daryl. Goodnight.


*Josie's POV*

The sun is barely peeking through the trees when I pull into Daryl's driveway. I'm already ready to go hunting with my Real Tree camo t-shirt, camo pants,  and brown boots that match Daryl's. The house is eerily dark, I guess Daryl forgot about hunting this morning.

I grab my dark denim jacket,  bag, and doughnuts from the passenger seat next to me before climbing out of my Mustang.  I slide my jacket on before slinging my brown leather bag over my shoulder, holding the white box of dozen doughnuts in my right hand while using the remote attached to my keys to lock the doors before sticking the keys in my bag and walking up to the Dixon's backdoor.


After a couple minutes,  the door swings open and I'm met by a pair of bloodshot "Dixon" blues. 

"Well...hello there", a deep raspy southern voice greets me.

"Uhh...is Daryl here", I ask, a little uncomfortable with the way the older man is looking at me hungrily while licking his lips.

"Yeah...come on in Sweetheart", he says, stepping back and gesturing for me to walk inside.

"Thank you", I smile sweetly as I step inside. I take in the now messy living room. There are empty beer cans littering the room, empty cigarette packages covering the coffee table, and a dried yellow stain on the wall beside the backdoor and broken glass on the floor under it where someone through a bottle of beer against it.

I go to walk towards Daryl's room when I'm stopped by a strong calloused hand wrapping tightly around my wrist.

"What are you doing", I ask as I try to pull out of his tight grip, my body filling with fear and anger.

Before I can scream, my mouth is covered by a large sweaty hand as my tiny body is pushed backwards, causing me to drop the box of doughnuts and bag, until it's stopped by the back of my legs hitting the couch and I fall backwards onto it so I am laying on my back.

The large sweaty body climbs on top of me, pinning me down. The strong stench of cigarettes and stale liquor fill my nostrils making my stomach sick.

"If ya scream, I'll kill ya", Daryl's dad whispers in my ear before removing his hand and  placing a hard slobbery kiss on my mouth,"My boy can' give ya wha' ya need." His large hand reaches down and begins to unbutton my camo pants.

I can't let this happen, not again.  I decide to take my chances. "DARYL", I scream earning an open hand smack to the side of my face.

"Shuddup bitch", Daryl's dad growls, spraying my face with saliva.

I ignore the sharp stinging on my cheek as I begin to wriggle around under the heavy sweaty body. I quickly realize it is no use so I give up my feeble attempts. Tears roll down my red cheeks as I close my eyes, my mind drifting to another place where it is just me and my redneck laying on a beach with me wrapped safely in his strong arms, while I wait for this nightmare to end.

My eyes snap open when the heavy weight is suddenly lifted off of my trembling figure.

I quickly sit up and watch as Daryl throws his dad to the floor,  pinning him down while throwing punch after punch causing   blood to pour from his dad's nose and mouth. His dad manages to get on top of Daryl, pinning him down. A scream escapes my mouth as I watch his dad's fist to comeback and make contact with his son's perfect scruffy face.

Dirt Road Diary (Daryl & Merle Dixon Pre-Apocalyptic Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ