Dirt Road Diary

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Chapter 37- I Do

Dear Diary:

I'm getting married today! I get to wake up to the love of my life every morning. I've got so much to do, I better get started.


*Josie's POV*

"WAKE UP MRS. DIXON", Alli says loudly in a sing song voice.

"I'm up", I sigh, pulling myself out of bed, still tired from the night before.

"Get ready, we've got hair and nail appointments", she says, jumping up and down.

"I'm gonna take a shower", I say, grabbing some clean clothes and disappearing into the bathroom.

After taking a quick shower and blowdrying my hair, I put it in a messy bun, brush my teeth, pull on a pair of dark jean shorts, one of Daryl's red/black flannel shirts with the sleeves rolled up, and black flip flops.

I walk into the living room to see Alli sitting on the couch sipping a cup of coffee. She is wearing short cutoffs and a black v-neck t-shirt.

"Let's go", I tell her.

"Let me get my flip flops on and I'll be ready to go", she says, jumping to her feet, taking her cup of coffee to the kitchen then disappearing to her old room, returning a minute later with purple flip flops on.

"Ready", she says, grabbing her cellphone and bag while I grab my cellphone, bag, and keys on my way out the door, Alli following close behind.

*Daryl's POV*

"Git yer lazy ass up", I yell at Merle as he snores loudly on his bed.

"Wha' tha hell", he mumbles.

"Thought ya wanna go huntin' b'fore tha weddin' ", I sigh.

"Oh yeah", Merle says, sitting up and throwing his feet over the side of the bed, "Darlina's gittin' hitched. "

"We goin' huntin' or wha' ", I mumble, ignoring him.

"Yeah, gimme a minute", he grumbles, standing to his feet.

"Hurry tha hell up", I tell him, "We ain't got all day."

I walk out of his room, closing the door behind me and walk into the living room, plopping down on the couch.

I'm gettin' married taday. I never thought anybody would ever love me. I sure as hell never thought I'd git married. Wha' am I doin?

"Come on baby brotha", Merle says, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I climb to my feet, grabbing my crossbow from next to the backdoor while Merle grabs his shotgun from beside the fireplace and follows me out the backdoor.

*Josie's POV*

After getting manicures and pedicures, Alli and I go to the salon and get our hair done. My long straight dark brown hair is curled and piled on top of my head with pink roses placed strategically in the curls, I'm not going to wear a veil since it's a small outdoor wedding. Alli's wavy red hair is piled on top of her head as well.

When our hair is finished, we pay, then decide to head to the diner for lunch.

*Daryl's POV*

After a couple hours of huntin 'n not gettin' anythin', we decide to head back 'n git ready.

"Ya did good baby brotha", Merle grins, wrapping his large arm around my shoulders, " I like 'er."

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