Chapter XLVII

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I was laying down. I could smell the ashes and smoke all around me, but I wasn't choking on it. Of course not, what with my abilities. I just laid there, trying to figure out what to do next. They can't come back for me. Can they? Did they get everyone safe? 

Then I heard my name. It sounded close, but not actually there. I followed it. The pain getting stronger and stronger. "Phoenix?" I heard my name again. It sounded like Olivia's voice. I started gasping for air, instantly regretting it. 

Then I noticed something cold and wet on me. I was getting more and more wet. But it wasn't blood. It was thinner, and helped the air settle. I coughed again. Blood poured from my mouth as I did so. I looked around me. The fire had settled, and was almost out. I shivered from the cold of the water.

It was water. The other's must've gotten the sprinkler system back on. I found my earpiece on the ground next to my head and grabbed it. "Phoenix? Phoenix! Please!" Robin's voice was now coming through it, "Talk to me. Please. Baby. Please." Her voice almost hopeless.

"P... a... r... t... f..." I managed to spell out through the pain and blood. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" She asked a little frantic. I shook my head, but frowned knowing she wasn't actually there. "C-cold," I managed. "Where are you, sweetie? We've searched just about everywhere, and can't find you." 

"Ca-cafe-," "Cafeteria?" She asked. "Ye-ah," I answered. "Okay, I'm on my way in, now. It's okay. It's safe. His men scattered after the facility went up in flames," She explained. I heard her saying something and Sophia's voice replying 'yes'. 

Then I heard rubble crunching and moving around on the floor above me. "I don't see you," She sighed. I tried to explained, but I just couldn't manage anymore. I was too exhausted to speak. I used what little energy I had left and sent an extremely tiny flame up through the hole. 

I hoped that they saw it before the sprinklers put it out. "Robin! Over here!" I heard Sophia say. "Mrs. Ride!" I heard Robin yell for mum. I heard more footsteps rush in. Then I saw the most beautiful pair of blue-green eyes look down the hold the explosion had dropped me through. 

"She's down here!" Robin frowned. Dad had peered over with her. "Get me a blanket," Dad said as he started to climb down. I heard something move loudly, and quickly looked in the direction of a shelf that was about to fall on me. I gasped in fear. 

I do not want to die like this. Dad saw it too and tried to quicken his pace. "Hold on, baby girl. I'm coming," He assured. He made his way down as the shelf inched it's way towards me even more. Then I saw it go lose, and dad quickly grabbed me and yanked me out of the way just as the shelf landed where I was laying. 

"I got you," He assured holding me close. "Baby," Mum yelled to get his attention. She dropped a blanket down the hold and it landed next to us. He grabbed it and wrapped it around me. "Here you go, sweetie," He said helping me get warm. He looked around for a way out, and saw an exit. 

"There's an unblocked door over here. I'll carry her out. This place is very unstable, go wait outside where it's safe," Dad ordered. "I'll wait where I damned well please," Mum replied, "You girls go." "Yes ma'am," Sophia replied, "Come on, Robin." 

"No, I'm staying, too," Robin replied. "Go... safe," I managed, knowing that she could hear me on the ear piece. "Ugh, fine. You better live," Robin said. "Don't worry, she's just like her father when it comes to that," Mum replied. Dad rolled his eyes. 

He picked me up gently and carefully carried me through the doorway. The hallways seemed stable, yet he still walked cautiously down them. When we reached the stairs, he climbed them while looking up for a second. Looking out for anything that could fall on us. 

Robin talked to me at random times about random things. Probably to keep me awake. She was doing a pretty good job at it though. 

He weaved his way out of the facility, until we reached mum. "Want me to carry her?" She asked. "I got her, let's just get out of here," Dad replied. They walked out and met up with Robin, Sophia, and everyone else. They all cheered a bit when they saw that I was still alive. 

Robin was quick to crowd dad to get closer to me. "Oh my gosh," She frowned seeing all my wounds from the fight. "I would say it was surprising to see that she's still alive... but it's really not," Mum frowned, "I've seen Fang survive worse." 

"Right... here..." Dad chuckled. "Tired," I sighed. "Here," He handed me to someone else, who then laid me down in the back of a truck. Then everyone else piled in. Robin was quick to sit by my side and rest her hand on my forehead. "You're burning up," She frowned. 

"It's quite possible the wounds may receive an infection," Mum said getting to work, dodging Olivia who was also working on my wounds. They were getting in a bit of a back and forth. "Mommy, Olivia's mom is a nurse," I informed. 

"I don't care, you're my baby," Mom frowned. "Here, how about I settle this argument over who's the better healer," Robin said waving her hand over the abdomen wounds. Water poured from it and started to flood the wounds. 

I hissed in pain, but then the pain became lighter. Mom watched in awe, but Olivia, I assumed now that she was there when Robin healed my burns. I managed to relax a little after Robin finished. Olivia took off the gauze on my leg. 

"Bullet wounds?" She asked. I nodded, "Already got the bullets out." Robin then healed them too, and I was able to fully relax. Robin pulled a water bottle from her pack and opened it, then she handed it to me. "Drink," She ordered. 

She didn't have to tell me twice. I grabbed the bottle and chugged the whole thing. She grabbed a pillow from Sophia, and helped me rest my head on it. "Feel any better?" She asked. "Yeah," I nodded still aching a bit. The source of the pain was gone, but it still ached. 

"Seems like you have it all under control," Mum smiled and moved to sit on dad's other side. "I'm sorry I can't heal it completely," She frowned adjusting the blanket to cover me. "It's okay, love," I assured taking her hand in mine, "I'm sorry I wasn't more careful." 

"You're alive, that's all that matters to me," She smiled. "I guess so," I frowned, "I- I didn't start that fire." "I know. They said the place was already on fire before you got there," She replied. "I did blow it up," I frowned a bit as I adjusted. 

"It's okay. Sophia assured me that everyone of our people that were still alive, made it out," She assured, "No living innocent person was in there." "Good... good..." I sighed closing my eyes a moment. "Fi?" She frowned. 

"I'm fine... I think," I assured not opening my eyes, "Tired." "Well you're healed up. You can sleep," She said petting my hair a bit. I drifted off to sleep as she did so. The exhausted completely took over before I even knew it. 


Love you peeps... thanks for the reads!




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