Chapter X

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Here's an extra chapter as an apology for the wait. Love you guys!

eIt's been two years since mom and the other's disappeared. Dylan had actually allowed Robin and I to start a team to go and get supplies. I continued my training though it wasn't as often or as heavy as before. Robin and I have been sleeping in my room for the time being. Neither of us wanting to be alone, but that's okay we both ending up not really regretting it. It's brought us... closer together.

Robin and I were in a team of Me, her, Jake, Aiden, Olivia, and Sophia... Ironically. Aiden thinking me for beating Robin's fast score so he could keep his favorite gun. As a thank you, he'd actually given it to me. I think my mom would have a heart attack if she could see me now with weapons to kill on my hips and in my boot. But, at the same time, I'm sure she's realized that now it's a kill or be killed world.

"Alright guys, you know the drill. Find anything useful and get the hell out of here," I said as we entered an abandoned house, guns out prepared for anything. They had decided to make me the Alpha or Leader, whatever you want to call it, of the team. I didn't want that, but Robin agreed as a way to ensure me staying instead of leaving her. Not that she told me that, I'm just better at reading her. After all, I love her, and I'm not afraid to yell it to the world.

I frowned as I looked through the house. Seeing the skeletons of the previous family of the home. They were scattered across the house. I wondered how they died. Were they killed or natural causes like famine or sick. Were they scared or did they die as a family. I walked in front of the mantle of the living room fireplace and pulled down a family photo of them. I heard footsteps behind me, and I knew it was Robin.

"Dad said there was a lot of devastation during the apocalypse. Lots of people died and families lost. He always told me that your family wouldn't end up like that. Separated and gone. Dead," I said knowing she'd be listening. "There's no way he could've known, Fi," She said hugging me from behind and looking at the photo from over my shoulder.

"He also said that I'd never be alone," I added. "You're not alone. You're with us... me," She assured. I turned to face her after putting the picture back. "I know that, but are we family?" I asked. "I'd like to think so," She smiled reassuringly.

"Then I guess that I'm not alone," I smiled pressing a kiss to her lips. But both of our attention turned to the door when we heard Jake yell out, "Company!"

"Shit!" I cursed heading to the window and looking out it. "Take what you can and lets get the hell out of here," Robin ordered. "There's no time! Let's just get the hell out of here with what we-," I was cut off by the door slamming open. Without thinking, I threw a fire ball at the first man to enter. He flew towards the wall and fell to the floor.

"Go!" I yelled at the others. "I'll stay with her, you guys go!" Robin yelled at the others. They nodded and took off out the back. I threw another fireball at the next guy, but he dodged it and looked at me. The fire ball hitting the same wall as the first guy and setting it ablaze.

"Hello Phoenix," His smile was sickening as I remembered him. "Marcus," I snarled. "You remember me, that's a start," He chuckled, and I threw another ball at him. He still dodged and turned into his beast form. A phantom pain started in my leg where the scars were. I threw another one. He dodged, but it had almost hit Robin, and I panicked.

"Why must you always play hard to get?" He asked. I threw another one, and it hit him. He was knocked back a few feet as I spoke, "Because I am hard to get." He laughed regaining his footing. I threw another, and he dodged it running around the battle scene as Robin was dealing with a third guy. I threw another and another and another, missing every time and setting another piece of the house ablaze.

Soon the house was engulfed in flames, myself unable to gain control. "Robin! Go!" I yelled just as Marcus lunged at me knocking me to the floor. I kicked him off of me, and ran up the stairs to grab his and the others' attention.

They all followed me as I dodged their lunges and bullets to give Robin a chance to get out of the house. Normally she could put out the flames, but there's too much fire and heat around her. She needs to get out of here and fast. I set more of the house on fire by making a wall of flames that would burn them as they passed through it.

When I was stopped, Marcus jumped through the wall and onto me, knocking me onto the floor. The flames had already eaten away at it from the bottom floor, so we fell through. A heavy and hot beam fell onto me. The beam holding down my right shoulder and burning any skin around it, including my face, arm, side, and even leg.

I screamed in pain from the burns, and struggled to get out from under the beam. The use of my abilities tiring me out. Marcus stood up, and walked over me. "Well, you're uh- burnt out. Aren't you?" He chuckled. I gasped and struggled even harder to get the beam off. The pain becoming too much. He pulled out his gun and aimed it at me. My vision fading in and out.

My mind spaced out from the pain, and when it came back in, I saw the house was put out. Robin must've stopped the fire from outside the house. Water was dripping on my face. Marcus wasn't standing over me anymore with his gun.

My vision faded out and back in. I could hear Robin talking to the others, but I could only see through on of my eyes. The left one to be exact. Their voices echoed a bit. "Careful," She said. "We're trying," Aiden said in a calm but panicked voice. He was like a brother to me, so I can understand the panic. Then I felt the weight on my shoulder literally lift.

Then darkness and silence...

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