Chapter XXV

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"There you are," Olivia smiled throwing her arms around me. Aiden and Jake had already done so, but she'd just entered the room. Sophia wasn't paying attention as she had her headphones in and was paying attention to her laptop. It was a small dark room with a large window on one side, the other side of the window showed another room.

"How are you?" She asked. "I'm here. Maybe not all the way, but mostly. I hope," I chuckled nervously at my own confusion. "She'll be alright. She just needs some time," Robin assured. The reassurance was mainly for myself when I shied away from the others, "What he did to her caused a huge mental impact. It's going to be best that we stay here mainly. She can't go out until she's ready."

"Okay, say no more," Aiden said. "So why did you bring her here, her mother-," Jake was interrupted by the squeal of his girlfriend in the form of my name. I flinched noticeably when Sophia threw her arms around me in a very tight hug. "Sophia, be careful," Robin warned as I wanted to get out of her hold. I tried to pull away, but she wasn't letting go. Any other day, I wouldn't mind, but I wasn't feeling it today. I looked to Robin for some help. "Sophia," Robin gave her one of her warning voices, and she pulled away. "What?" "She doesn't want you to smother her," Robin replied, "I think she's had enough of that today. Don't you?" "Oh. I'm sorry," Sophia said pulling completely away. "It's okay," I said adjusting my jacket that I had thrown on to avoid questions about all the scars.

My attention went over to the window looking in to the other room. Fear entered my body just as quickly as it had left before. Mom was in the room, and she was talking with the man who'd caused me so much fear and pain for the past three months. I felt Robin take my hand. She was my support.

"What the fuck happened to your hair?" Olivia asked. I hadn't hardly noticed what she was talking about, so I didn't know what she was talking about. "Olivia don't ask questions that you already know the answer to," Robin defended me. My girlfriends hand gently squeezed mine. "What's wrong with my hair?" I asked.

"They've been trying to figure it out since we found you," Robin replied. "What?" I asked as she handed me a small mirror, and my jaw dropped as I looked at my hair through it. Near the front, what would be my bangs if it were cut. There was a long streak in my hair that was completely white. It was about an inch thick and went the full length.

"What the fuck happened to my hair?" My fear replaced itself with anger.

"It's also affected your wings," Robin said. I unfurled my wings to look at my, what used to be fully pitch black wings, but was now pitch black with small whit feathers here and there. Looking like splatter paint almost. "Will it go away?" I asked. "Maybe. We can easily dye your hair, Wings? Not so much," Sophia said. I looked angrily at Ian through the window.

His ugly red hair and dark eyes. I couldn't hear what he was saying, but it was clear that it was upsetting mama. Out of fear and anger, I stormed out of the room, and busted my way into the room he was in. Both jumped a bit and looked at me. Mama frowned, and Ian gave me a sickening grin.

"I told Robin to keep you away," Mama said. "I don't really care right now. Right now, I care about this shit!" I said holding out the white hair for her to see. A grim looked appeared across her face. "And this!" I said pointing to my wings, "I get the hair... But I really don't get the wings." "It might go away," She frowned, "Go lay back down."

"No." I said defiantly. "You're angry? Damn. I didn't get to record the transfer. Maybe next time," He sighed. "There won't be a next time," I spat. "For me? no. For you? There will always be another time," He chuckled. Anger filled my mind as I walked over to him. The table keeping us separate. "Ah! I love white hair like that. Especially when I know that it's real. Real fear that caused it. Some people don't believe that fear can really cause hair to turn like that. Fear is just the same as Stress. You know? Stress causing hair to turn gray. Just the same," He said.

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