Chapter XXXVI

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"No... what?... let me go!" I heard Robin's voice gradually getting louder and louder. I blinked open my eyes and saw that she was laying down, but she looked wide awake. Her hands were by her side as though someone were holding them down, but I couldn't see who. What if she was just imagining it. Or sleep walking... in a way.

"Robin. Wake up," I said placing my hand gently against her cheek. "No! Let me go!" She screamed, causing mom, dad, and Dylan to walk in. "What's going on?" Dylan asked. "I- I don't know. I just woke up to it," I choked. Something was wrong with Robin, and I don't know what. It was upsetting me... to say the least.

I hugged her torso tightly against my chest. Her head resting against my shoulder. "Shh... Baby, it's okay. You're safe. Listen to my voice, I have you. You will be okay," I hummed. "Phoenix!" She whimpered. "I'm here," I said brushing her hair back.

Then she fell silent and her eyes shut. Small puffs of breaths escaped from her parted lips. Her face went from absolute terror, to a soft smile. Like she felt safe again. "That's right, sweetie. I have you now," I sighed as she laid limp in my arms. Her hand clutching my shirt tightly.

"There, there," I petted her hair some more as she whimpered lightly. "I'm going to guess that we're good?" Dylan said. I nodded not taking my focus off Robin. Poor thing. I heard the door shut, and looked around to see that everyone who'd come in had left.

"Phoenix?" Robin whimpered. I looked back at her. She was looking up at me with her big beautiful eyes, and I sighed. "What is it, sweetheart?" I asked looking down at her. "Wha- what happened?" She asked. "You had a night terror. I think it was a night terror," I frowned.

"Oh... Do I get those a lot?" She asked with a soft voice. I sighed and shook my head, "I'm sorry." "No. Don't be sorry, Robin. It's not your fault. You're okay, and you're going to be okay. It's nothing bad. I had it handled. Why don't you go back to sleep, love?" I said as she laid her head back against my chest.

She let out a tired sigh, "I'm sorry for waking you and everyone up." "It's okay, love," I assured, "Don't let it worry you. No one is upset. Worried, but not upset." "Are you sure?" She asked tilting her head to look at me. I smiled at the adorable sight, and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I'm sure," I smiled.

"I want to go to our room," She said. "Not tonight. You need constant attention until you're better, but I will stay here with you so long as no one needs me," I assured. "So if they need you, you'll leave me?" She asked. "I'm sure you'd understand if it were important enough?" I gave her a concerned look. The insecurities in her eyes told me more than she would. I sighed, clicking my tongue a bit, "Sweetheart, please don't give me that look."

"But you just said-," "I know what I said, Robin. I understand, but I want you to know that I would never truly want to hurt you. You are everything to me..." "But?" "But, the safety of this place is as well important to me, because you're in it. My whole family lives here in this place, and I don't want any possible threats to hurt any of you," I said brushing some of her hear back. "I guess I can understand that," She replied.

"Good, now get some rest. I'm right here, and no one is going to bother us while you sleep. Okay?" "Okay," She sighed a bit, then snuggled against my chest.

"I love you, Phoenix," She hummed. "Yeah? Well I love you too," I smiled kissing the top of her head, "I love you more than you know."


I'm so sorry guys. I know it took forever for me to update this... I'm so so so so so so so so so sorry!!!!!!!


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