Chapter XII

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When Robin and I walked into the conference room, Dylan was talking with Aiden, Olivia, Jake, and Sophia. He was facing us and the others had their backs to us. The walls of the conference room are glass, but usually Dylan keeps the blinds closed. In this moment, that was the case. The blinds were closed.

Dylan looked up at me and smiled, "There you are." "Yep," I said nervously with my hands in my pockets. "I was just wondering about you. How are you?" He asked. "I'm alright," I replied walking over to sit down. Everyone else looked at me and smiled. "Yeah, you look bad ass now Fi," Jake said, and I rolled my eyes as we sat down.

"So what were you guys talking about?" I asked trying to ignore the fact that I could only see out of one eye. "Oh something that may disappoint you," Dylan said. "Lay it on me. I can take it," I said as Robin sat down next to me and took my hand in hers.

"Well, we, do to following the tracking device. I sent one of my other teams after him to follow him. We, unfortunately, lost contact with them yesterday." I looked at Dylan curiously as he spoke. "So what? You're wanting to send my team?" I asked. "Only if you're up for it," He answered, "I can only imagine how hard it is getting used to seeing out of one eye."

"I think I can handle it," I replied. "Yeah just don't burn that place down, too. That team aren't the only ones from here that are there," Jake joked. "Shut up Jake," Aiden said slapping the back of his head. "Yeah, shut up Jake," I added. "Guys, this is a rather serious case. You're not getting supplies. This is a rescue mission," Dylan said. "Do you think it's possible that-," I began but Dylan interrupted me, "It's quiet possible, but you have to understand that you may be unable to-," "I'll find a way," I said folding my arms.

"Phoenix and Robin can explore and see if any of her family is there, while the four of us can get the team. There plan created," Olivia said leaning back like she thought it through. "You're really sweet, Olivia, but I think that Dylan may be right. We may only be endangering my family or that team if we split up or butcher the mission. We may even get ourselves stuck if we're not careful," I frowned.

"No. No. This is a no man left behind situation. If any of your family is in that building. We're grabbing them," Sophia said leaning in with a serious look. "Actually, I have an idea," Jake said, "We could quite possibly get everyone that shouldn't be there out, but we're going to need more people who can handle killing a few." "You're talking about going in and taking them out, Jake. They could retaliate immediately and kill everyone in their line of sight," I frowned. "Not if we sneak in and take them out," He added.

"I'm loving the way you think," Aiden said. "Aiden, come on. You're my reason in this team," I sighed. "No, he's got a point. If we're close enough without getting caught, Olivia can hack into their security system and knock out all the cameras. She just needs to get close enough. We won't retaliate into killing people unless we get caught, so yeah, we'll need others on standby," Aiden explained.

"I can provide back up, so yes we have it. We'll just have to pull our other teams back in, and send them with you. We have a border check where everyone usually ends up missing, and we'll put that warning on your maps," Dylan said. "Okay, so we just need to get into their systems," Aiden said. "You fools can leave that to me," Olivia smiled surely.

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