Chapter XLVI

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Hey guys, I'm just going to warn you that Phoenix is coming to an end... like all good things. But I do have other books, a 3rd book of one series, a spin-off, and many more. I hope you enjoyed Phoenix so far, and I love you guys... Always.

Read On!

"Where are you?! Fucking bitch!" Jaxon yelled searching the hallway for me. I saw a shirt laying on a table near me and grabbed it. I ripped a couple of thick strips off the shirt and then I dug into the bullet wounds pulling out the bullets. I tried my hardest not to scream out and give away my position. 

Then I tightly wrapped the strips around the wounds and tied them off as tight as I could, hissing in pain. I stood to my feet, needing to get up. "Phoenix, you alright?" Aiden asked. "Yeah, I'm fine," I said through my teeth. I walked near the cafeteria, where I knew I'd have space. 

As I walked down the line of stoves, I turned on all the gas burners. Then I stood up on a table in the cafeteria part. "Jaxon! Come get me, you disgusting piece of shit!" I yelled. The two men ran into the room. The moment they walked through, I met them with a ball of fire. 

They blew back into the wall the door rested on. "You little bitch," Jaxon groaned getting up. "Tell me that's not your entire vocabulary," I asked walking over and kicking him. His head hit the wall, and he fell unconscious. 

I walked over to Marcus and grabbed the button. "I told you. You're not leaving this place," I sighed walking away. Then I felt something tackle me from behind. I let out an 'oof', as I hit the table dropping the button. 

I felt a sharp pain in my side, and screamed out in pain. Then I felt another. And another. "You... stupid... fucking... bitch!" Marcus yelled as he held me back by my hair and continued jabbing me with his knife. 

I elbowed him as hard as I could, stunning him. He let go of my hair, and I attempted to crawl away, choking up blood. Then I felt him leap on top of me again as I reached out for the button not far from my fingertips. 

He flipped me on my back and wrapped his hands around my throat. "Why... won't... you... fucking... DIE?!" He yelled out. I choked even more as I continued to reach out. I saw that his knife was closer and grabbed it, then I turned the blade and jammed it as hard as I could into his side. 

He screamed out in pain, and I shoved him off of me. I crawled for the button again and grabbed it. Then I went to stand up, and he shoved me down. I was weak and dizzy from the loss of blood that it was easy for him to do so. 

I managed to my knees and began to crawl towards the new location of the button, and he grabbed my leg and pulled me back. I cried out in pain because it was my injured leg. Then he started crawling for it himself. "Guys... I hope you can still hear me," I groaned. 

"What's going on?" Aiden asked. "The odds don't look good for me. If I don't make it out, you tell Robin I love her. Tell my family, I love them. Please," I checked my ever oozing knife wounds, "If I do make it out..." "Which you will," Olivia interrupted. 

"If I do, I'm gonna need the strongest drink you can find." I tried to add a bit of humor to the situation. "We'll have it ready for you," Sophia chuckled, knowing what I was doing. "And like a week alone with Robin, because I just love her so much." "Of course," I could hear the sadness in their voices, and knew they saw the same odds. 

I crawled harder as fast as I could to the button, scared that he'd destroy it to keep me from using it to kill him. I grabbed my own knife from my boot and jammed it into his ankle, cutting the achilles. He let out a loud cry in pain, then I ripped the knife out and jabbed the knife into his leg and pulled myself forward. 

I did it again to his back to pull myself even more forward. I held onto the knife as I crawled on my own the rest of the way. I quickly grabbed the button, and rolled over to face him. "Don't! You'll kill us all!" He choked on his blood. 

"We're already dead," I snarled and slammed my hand down on the button. 

Loud explosions happened all around us. The last thing I saw was Marcus reaching out for the button before flames engulfed us. Then darkness settled into my mind...


There is is everyone chapter XLVI or 46. I hope you enjoyed it... 

Love you guys! 

Read On!

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