Chapter XLI

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"Phoenix?" I hear Robin's voice in my ear the next morning. I hummed and smiled at the sound of her voice. But I was a bit sad because her voice was raspy from being sick. I blinked open my eyes and looked at her. Her beautiful strawberry hair falling around her face. She was leaning over me, and she looked just plain awful. Do to being sick. 

"Yes, Robin?" I asked. She laid her head on my chest and sighed, "You feeling any better?" "No," She mumbled as someone knocked on the door. I place my hand on her forehead. "The fever has set in. You need a doctor," I said sitting up. She sat up with me, "Come in!" 

"Hey," Olivia smiled walking in, "We were thinking that we should head to the sanctuary? Just needed the antidote." "Sure. The bag is over there. Just wait a moment, we'll go with you," I said getting up. "You sure? She looks pretty sick?" She asked. "Exactly. She needs a doctor," I said walking over to the dresser, "Give me a moment to get dressed." 

"Alright," She said leaving the room with the bag. I changed into some jeans and a black t-shirt. Then I pulled on my jacket. "I want to stay here," She said. "I get it, but Jake said my whole family was sick, Robin," I answered walking over to her, "And you're really sick. You need a doctor." 

"I wasn't thinking," She frowned looking down at the bed. "It's okay. Here are some clothes for you. I want to bundle you up," I smiled tossing some jeans, my only thermal shirt, and my coat on the bed for her. She moved to get up, and I helped her get changed. She stood there a moment once we had the shirt and jeans on her, and rocked a little. 

"You alright?" I asked. Then she fainted into my arms right after. "Okay, we definitely need to get you to a doctor," I as she blinked her eyes opened a moment later. I set her on the bed and helped her get the coat on. "What happened?" She asked as I fought against her to put the coat on, "No. I don't want the coat. It's too hot." "Fine, but I'm going to bring it with me if you get too cold. Okay?" "Okay," She replied. 

I walked her into the living room. "Guys, she fainted. I'm going to have to get her there quickly," She said. "What?" Jake frowned. "Here, take the antidote. You're the one that can get them there the fastest," He said. "Okay," I replied putting the bag on my back. I walked outside with Robin. "Get her there. Get her there fast," Jake said, "We'll be right behind you." 

"Okay," I nodded. Then I picked up Robin and took off from the ground to fly her home. She slept in my arms the whole way there. I couldn't help but smile at her sleeping form. Like a little girl. Some sniffles here and there, as we flew. A days walk could be shortened a lot. Maybe even just a couple hours depending on how fast I could fly. I'm pretty strong for my form, so I could go pretty far carrying her. 

I made it there in some good time actually. I flew as fast as I could hoping to keep her in the cold as less as possible. She didn't deserve to be sick. I landed on the ground inside the security systems of the sanctuary and walked towards the door. A couple of doctors walked out towards me. Their feet crunching in the snow as they approached me. 

"Phoenix? Is that you?" Dylan asked walking out behind them. "Yeah," I answered as he moved to take Robin away. I denied him, "I've got her." "You look tired," He frowned, "Long night, eh?" He led me inside. "Yeah you could say that. Jake and Sophia stumbled across where I was staying. They told me that Aiden, Olivia, and Robin were in danger. Everyone is fine now. I had to get here fast, but they're behind me somewhere," I informed. 

"What happened to Robin?" He asked concerned. "There's an icy lake out in the forest. Easily mistaken for just a clearing when you're distracted or being chased. She fell in, running from Jackson's men," I explained. "She's just sick?" He asked. "Yeah, but she needs a doctor. Now," I said heading for the infirmary. 

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