Chapter XVII

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I bolted upright from my nightmare and looked around ready to defend myself. "Phoenix, it's just me. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," Robin frowned sitting on the bed next to me. "Oh, I'm sorry," "You okay?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. I- It's just really hard getting used to this. I feel somewhat defenseless without both eyes," I replied.

"Yeah, you do have quite the blind spot, don't you," She frowned. "Not funny," I said. "I wasn't joking, around," She replied. "I almost hit an innocent woman on accident. Ironically, she was thanking me for saving her," "It's okay, Fi. You will get used to it eventually," She assured.

"I hate it so much though," I frowned letting the tears fall from my eyes. I hadn't had much time to allow this to come out. To really talk to her about how I feel about this with her. It's not that I don't trust Robin. It's that I never really wanted to talk about, and as I said, nor did I have the time to. As soon as I woke up, we were on our way here.

"It's okay Fi," She assured, "You will be fine. You're the strongest I know," She smiled. I nodded, "I know, but I don't feel it." "You should," She smiled and placed her hand on my arm, "You'll be okay." "I know, but how am I supposed to protect you?" "I can take care of myself Phoenix. I'm not stupid," She chuckled.

"I never said that you were," I replied. "I know. I don't need protecting. You've always done that for me, and I never asked you for it. Now, It's my turn to protect you," She smiled. "I certainly don't need that," I replied lowering my head and looking at my hands that were in my lap.

"I have an idea," She said. "What?" I asked looking up at her. "Why don't you talk to your Uncle Iggy? I mean, he's lived a long time completely blind, maybe he could give you some insight at living with blindness," She chuckled at her joke. "Seriously? You're going to make jokes?" I asked with a frown.

"I'm just trying to lighten the mood. Don't take it so seriously," She frowned, and I sighed letting it go. "But Uncle Iggy is completely blind. He's not blind in only one eye," "Don't you think that he'd considering that a blessing after what he's lived through. I mean the closest thing to sight is being able to tell you what color something is. Which, by the way, I think is completely awesome," She smiled.

"Ha. Ha. Trying living with it," I said unamused by her fascination with the ability. "Oh," She play slapped my arm. "I mean, mom said that he found out about the ability long before I was born, but he still gets excited to touch new things when they're brought in," I smiled.

"See? I think you should talk to him about this. Maybe it will help you some," She suggested. "Fine, I'll see what he has to say about it," I replied. "Good. Now go back to sleep, I'm going to join you for a nap," She smiled laying down and pulling me down with her. I was laying on my right side, so I could clearly see her with my left.

She was still my beautiful girl. My beautiful girl, and only mine. I know I sound rather possessive, but I love her, and she loves me. I will take down anyone who tries to stand between us. "I'm so happy for you. You know," She said curling up against my chest. "Yeah? What about?" I asked even though I knew she was talking about my family.

"My parents," She said, "Getting them and your family back. I'm happy for you. You're entire family is back together. I think they want to stay here, you know. So they're not cooped up underground. I think I want us to stay here too." "'Us' as in me and you?" I asked as she looked up at me. "Duh," She chuckled.

"You do realize that it won't be as safe here as it is there," "I know," She smiled, "But you won't be so intense all the time. I know you've been busy all night and morning and you've been a little tense from all this. You've barely any time with your dad, and you haven't seen him in four years. But I also know that you've also seemed relaxed." "How's that?"

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