Chapter I

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Hey guys, So I've decided that I'm not sure what to do or how I'm going to update this, so just keep an eye out for updates and let me know what you think... Except for you fucking haters out there ruining everyone's day!

Peace out peeps!


I woke up to a quiet beeping noise. Trying to remember what had happened and trying to figure out where I was. I heard a light scratching sound. Like pen on paper. I tried to crack open my eyes a tiny bit, but all I could manage before the brightness took over was two figures standing next to the bed. One was petite, like a woman, the other was a bit more tall and fit like a man.

"She's improving a lot since you found her yesterday," The woman said, "Although the wounds are still bad and still there, the inflammation of the infection has gone down a lot over night. No doubt she'll be healed up completely in a few days." "Thank you, Maria," The male voice said. "No problem, sir," She replied, "But I'm going to need a name soon. For the records." "I'm sure we'll get it when she wakes up," He replied. "Of course," She said. Then I heard shoes clicking the floor and a door open and shut.

My mind suddenly flooded with the memories of what happened. It began to feel like it was still happening. The fear of getting caught by those monsters. I started screaming again. The pain returning to my body and wings. The fear of losing mom. "Sweetie," I heard a male voice call through the memories, "I'm not going to hurt you." "MAMA! MAMA!" I yelled for help, knowing she probably wasn't even wherever I was. "Please sweetie calm down," the same male voice said. My eyes shot completely open to reveal the man in the room. He looked nothing like what was chasing mama and I.

"Where- where's mama?" I whimpered looking around the room. "We only found you, sweetie. Good to know that you weren't out there wandering the wilds by yourself. They're very dangerous," He replied. "But I want mama!" I said trying to get up, "She's hurt. She needs me. I need to find her." He stopped me from getting up. "Whoa there. You're in no condition to go back out there. Especially unprepared," He said. "But I-," "We'll look for your mother. Tell me when you last saw here. Where were you going? What was happening?" He frowned trying to calm me down and keep me in the bed. "Mama said not to trust anyone," I said looking at him suspiciously.

"I'm not going to hurt you, sweetie. I just want to help you," He said with a soft and reassuring tone, "What's your name?" "Phoenix," I replied. "That's a lovely name," He chuckled, "And your mother's?" "Max," I answered, and his eyes went wide, "You know her?" "Maximum Ride?" He asked, and I nodded, "Oh, yeah. I know your mother. She was an amazing woman. I'm an old friend of hers."

"My name is Dylan," "The only Dylan mama and daddy told me about died saving daddy," I frowned. "They only thought I did, but I'm still very much alive," He gestured to himself, "So what exactly happened?"

"Mama and I were running from these beasts and men with guns. Some even turned into the beasts. They shot her and me when we jumped off this cliff to fly away. She fell and I did to while trying to help her," I explained. "Okay, Phoenix, I think I know what cliff you're talking about. You haven't strayed too far, I'm going to send out my best to go and look for her. Okay?" He assured while standing up, "Stay here, and maybe my daughter will come in here and give you some company."

"But I want to help!" I said trying to get up again. "I know your mother well, and that's well enough to know that she'd kill me if I'd let you come along. Stay here and don't worry. We'll find her," he went to leave but stopped in the doorway and looked back at me, "Where's your dad?" "They took him a long time ago. I was 12," I answered, and he frowned. "You and your mother managed to escape?" He asked. "yes, sir," I replied.

"Okay, don't call me sir, my name's Dylan. Don't be afraid to call me Dylan, and we'll find them," he said and left the room. Then a little girl, about my age came in. She had strawberry blonde hair and pretty blue-green eyes. "His," She greeted softly. "Hi," I replied. She walked over, taking that as me letting her stay, and carefully crawled onto the bed to sit across from me, "My names Robin. Dad already told me that Yours is Phoenix." "Yeah," I replied. "How old are you?"

"Fourteen," I answered, and she smiled. "I'll be fourteen in a couple of months," She said. "Why are you here?" I asked. "Dad thought you'd like some company when you woke up," She answered. "I don't need a babysitter," I frowned. "So you want to be alone?" "Well... no," I frowned.

"You want me to stay?" She asked. I thought about it for a moment, then said, "Sure." "Good what would you like to talk about?" She asked. "I don't know," I replied. "Well think. There's gotta be something to talk about," She smiled, "Where's your family?" "Gone," I frowned. "We all got separated, and my dad got taken. My mom- I don't know where she is," "Dad will find her," She assured.

"He Robin. Change of plans," Dylan said walking back in. "Yes dad?" Robin asked looking at him. "Would you mind leaving the room for now? Phoenix has a visitor," Dylan said. "Really? Who?" I asked, sort of, hoping that he'd already found mama. He opened the door wider, and all I heard was "FI FI!" Before tight arms were wrapped around me making me groan in pain. "Oh sorry. I didn't mean to- are you hurt? I mean of course your hurt. Are you okay?" He asked.

I soon got a better look of the blonde haired and blue eyed man sitting on the bed next to me and recognized him. "Uncle Gazzy!" I smiled brightly. I felt better and safer now that he was here. Someone I knew and loved. Family. "In the flesh!" He joked, "How are you?"

"Better now? Who else is here?" "in the moment? Just me," He answered, "Aunt Nudge is out, as well as Uncle Iggy, looking for your mother. They'll find her. Don't worry. I'm sure she's looking for you in this very moment." "You stayed behind?" "To give you a friendly face. This is a good place. I assure you," He explained. Then he looked at me with a smile, "You hungry?"

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