Chapter VI

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"I'm so sorry, Phoenix," Dylan said with a frown. "I- I don't know what to think. I- I think I need to be alone," I said walking away. Fear and anger soaking into my heart. "Please don't do anything stupid. She wouldn't want that," He said following behind me a bit. "I'm just going to go to my room," I assured and he stopped following me.

My anger was getting the best of me. If you could call it anger. Sometimes I can confuse fear and sadness with anger. They usually lead to it anyway. Anger of these people who think they have the rights to tear families apart. I walked back to my room and paced the floor trying to walk off the anger and stay calm. I missed her, I missed them... I missed dad... a lot.

There was a light knock on the door. I sighed and opened it to reveal Robin standing there. "Hey," She greeted softly. "You're just relentless? Aren't you?" I asked more angry than I expected. "I- I'm sorry," She frowned. "Has it ever occurred to you that maybe I just want to be alone?" I snapped. "Just go. Please. I just- Just wan to be alone. Go away." I slammed the door shut and leaned against the wall.

I instantly regretted it, but I wasn't worried about Robin right now. Or was I? Who the fuck cares anymore. I needed to calm down. I needed to release this pent up fire in me. I rubbed my face with my hands and slid down the wall to a sitting position. I wrapped my arms around my knees and buried my face as tears rushed down my cheeks.

It was like the world was against me and my family. Like it wanted us split apart. I wasn't sure what it was. I lifted my head and moved my arms to make a small cup in my hands. I smiled as a small flame began to form. The sudden relaxation made me realize why I was this angry. I mean, I knew this day would come. I shouldn't be too mad. I'm just mad that they're gone now. No more phone calls, no more checking up on me, no more 'I love yous'. I was on my own now. They've been taken by the same bastards that took dad.

I needed release. I needed to relax before I made too rash a decision. That's how I can calm down, but how can I do it without causing attention? Maybe tell Robin or Dylan? Just Dylan. I don't want Robin to think that I'm a freak.

I stood up now knowing that this is what I needed to do to feel a little better. I needed to establish this now because I know Dylan isn't going to let me leave because mom told him not to. He's going to follow what she asked. I left the room ready to tell him. Hopefully I'll get the chance to secretly release all this anger and energy.

Then I'll be in a better mood and can apologize to Robin.

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