Chapter 30: Who are you really?

Start from the beginning


"You baka!" a tired but stern voice says. Strong straps of steel wrap all round my torso and limbs. I gripped the material for dear life. 

"W-what we-we're you thinking!?" he shouts pulling me back up. His wounds still looked bad but he still fought to pass that and caught me. When I got over the rial of death. I flopped down on top of him. Scared. 

"(Y/n)-san! What were you thinking!?" he continues sitting me up. I couldn't look him in the eye. I couldn't tell him. He won't understand. 

"I-I--" I started forming nothing. 

"Don't do that!" he hugs me tightly. 


'Yes I know'  I pulled away and looked up at him. 

"We need to talk. For real now Mr. Aizawa" I say. He gasps little then sighs. 

"Fine. But you will tell me what that was all about okay" I stood up and agreed. I thanked him before he went back to Mic guy. As I turned there standing was everyone but Bakugou. I gulped while rubbing the back of my neck. 

"A-ah hey guys--hey!" several arms wrapped around me. 

"We're so glad you're okay (L/n)-san!" they all say on sync. I have never felt so much joy. 

"Y-you, guys!" I squealed hugging them back. I head locked Deku, careful of his wounds of course. 

"I-I've never had friends like you's! Thank you, guys! Really!" I say tears of joy running down my cheeks. I turned to Todoroki. He gives a small smile then I remembered his words he said before I let Olympia out. I swished my head away. 

"W-where's Bakugou?" I ask looking for him. 

"Hmm? Oh, he's...I don't know exactly" Asui croaks. I bobbed my head but before anyone else could say anything Mr. Aizawa called for me. I waved them all off before running towards the mummy figure. He gestured with his head to enter the now empty room. He sits up against the computer looking desk. Glancing up to me. 

"She's here. Hmm. I think it's time I tell her about her mother and...her condition" 

"Condition?" I say. He grunts remembering I can read minds. Of course. 

"Yes. Your other side. She...was given to you" he structured his words in a horrible looking essay. 

"How? Why? When? What does this have to do with my mother and me?" I ask countless amounts of questions. He holds his hand up to make me silent. Which worked.  

"I will answer all your questions soon enough. But first...take off your top" he asks with a straight face. My cheeks lit up like fire. 

"W-what!? Wh--" He uses his scarf and flips off my white top which was kinda see through. Revealing my scarred and wounded the skin. He comes over and traces my (f/c) on my neck. Humming to himself. 

"I see. You let your feelings get the better of you huh?" the mummy says. I shrugged still blushing. Then his fingertips traced a huge scar on my left hip leading up to my core of wings. I shudder as my skin tingled. 

"W-what are you doing--"

"The 'Number 2' hero be an ass to you?" he hisses cutting me off. 

"Y-yes" I answered warily. He clicks his knuckles you could hear the bone roll over bone. I shuddered again by the mocking noise. 

"Anyways about Olympia I know this sounds crazy but...she was given to you. Had her own life and body of her own" I turn. 

"What does that even mean? I was born with her. The first appearance was when my first rival smashed me up" I explained. He shook his black raven hair. 

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