Broken, but not Broken Forever part seventeen

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Prince's heart jumped when Sarah said that she wanted him to show her back to her room, he smiled when he thought about it ,her room, it was her room. Prince thought about how he would love to have Sarah stay with him, but he also realized that he would love to have Rose stay as well. The more he got to know her the more he could see himself with her. He showed Sarah back to her room. " I'am worried  about mommy" she said, " She says shes ok, but I don't think she is". Prince couldn't agree more, but he wanted her to not worry about her mom. " She

Just needs sometime, tell you what, I "ll make sure she is alright". he said. Sarah hugged him unexpectedly nearly knocking him over." Thank you, Your the best" she said. Prince couldn't help but smile and hug her back." Prince?" she asked. "Yes?"  He said still hugging her. " Do you have children?" she asked." No" replied Prince wondering why she asked." I think you should, You would be a great dad" Sarah said. Prince had to hold back the tears at her beautiful words. "And your a awesome daughter" he said. Sarah smiled not knowing the true meaning behind his words.

After Prince left Sarah to play in her room he went to check on Rose. When he found her she was sobbing  still shacking. Prince went and got another cool wash cloth, " Please don't cry, tell me what's wrong, it was more then just a nightmare wasn't it" he said sitting on the bed wiping her face with the cloth." How's Sarah?" she asked . " Sarah fine, tell me what's going on with you" he said. Rose managed to start calming down. " I had a dream about my ex, he hurt Sarah " she said. Prince was now fully in tune to her, " Was your ex abusive?". Rose faught back the tears that

 was threating to come back. She nodded yes. " When we dated he was fine, but soon after we married he changed to someone I didn't know, I only left when..." she stopped, Prince gently rubbed her back as a comfort for her to continue . " One night , I was so tired that I didn't feel like cooking so I left out the leftovers, he got mad and pushed me down the stairs and kicked me in the stomach, I was pregnant , My friend Barbara found me and got me to the hospital, but I lost the baby, It was a girl, I was going to name her Millie" said Rose tearing up. Prince could feel the

 anger rise in him to the point he was sure his eyes wasn't hazel anymore. How dare this so call man put his hands on her at all , but the fact that she was pregnant really got him in rage. He couldn't believe that she went through something like that, here this man had this beautiful woman carrying his child and he did something like that. What Prince would give to be in his place. He felt a overwhelming need to protect her and something else, a overwhelming need to make her his., but he knew he had to wait, she was dealing with a lot, plus they still had to tell

Sarah that he was her father. Prince pulled her into his arms" That's over now, your safe". He could feel her calm down even more." Can I ask you something? " . Rose raised her head to look at him " Sure". " Why do you think you dreamed that he hurt Sarah?" asked Prince. Rose paused, she couldn't tell him that she dreamed that part because in the dream Sam thought that she was going to get with him, that would give away her growing feelings for him, and she wasn't ready for that.  " I guess  because of what happened with the baby"  Rose said. " Of course " said Prince seemingly to accept  her answer ." But no more bad dreams , we still have a fun day planned" he said.

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